time (Remove filter)
If you knew all the things that would happen in your life, you would not be able to live, so it is just a good job you don't know
Everything forgiven’s forgot
Peace made way to war again
Boundaries and manners were lost
Dignity was dug into a dirge
Pride slurped from a baby cup-
Oh let’s not talk in sombre wilting
Of how a mind was skewed and tilting
The only saving grace to be
That hindsight wasn’t paid to me
As- if I’d known how you would leave
I’d never give my heart to grieve
And I’d’ve s...
Wednesday 27th November 2013 9:46 pm
The Template of my Being
Been there
Done it
Eaten it
Drunk it
Almost drowned in it
Nearly died
Praised it
Cursed it
Dodged it
Traversed it
Just you name it
I’ll have tried
Smoked it
Snorted it
Been traumatised by it
Reduced to tears by it
Laughed and cried
Run it
Walked it
Chased it
Caught it
Wished I hadn’t bothered s...
Monday 24th June 2013 4:00 pm
Cold to the touch and as old as time itself, the eons fall by the wayside as the dawns come and go just like rain falling from the sky.
Just now like before things are changing, constantly, forever more.
Nothing stays the same – even the rocks and stones are worn away,
ground away until only sand remains.
Time defeats everything from the dinosaurs to the ic...
Sunday 5th May 2013 7:20 pm
there was a time
Monday 8th April 2013 1:35 am
Across the sea
The wind that blows
in a breath of time
has no borders,
as it sings new ways
like flickering waves
across the sea.
Wednesday 23rd January 2013 7:01 pm
In the maze
Time gets lost
in the maze
between one day
and the other,
among the skeins
of our hearts
to untangle.
Wednesday 9th January 2013 6:07 pm
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