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Time is in the Moment

Probably my last blog of 2013 so all the very best for the New Year everyone;



Time is in the moment 
The moment is in the deed
The deed is in the action
The action is in the need

Time is in the moment
The moment of the choice
The choice is in the substance
The substance gives us a voice.

Time is in the moment
The moment of the voice
The voice is in the message
The lips ...

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The Game Of Love


A hundred nights out, a thousand even or more

And yet we meet unknown and unknowing

A hundred bars, a hundred bar maids

A thousand pints of lager

Chit chat and chat up lines unleashed

Smiles flashed, charm dispensed liberally

And all for us to meet, unknowing

Chance, fate, call it what you will

The hidden hand of the universe

Brought us here to meet


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Bright Star


She sat beside me and I was drawn into her orbit-

as if on a collision course.

A satellite, a meteorite, a dust particle,

an insignificant entity - magnetised.

She was my Sun and I, her worshiper.

She warmed me and I basked in her.

Her innocence masked her true potential,

her true identity.

If only she knew what she had done,

what she was capable of,


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