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You say I'm a dreamer
And so I may be
But the dreams I have aren't just for me
They're for you and all to see

The dream is love,
Is life and joy
A dream of peace
Of shelter from the storm

The dream is the lifeblood 
Flowing through my veins
The dream will always be
All to see all that remains

You say I'm a dreamer
I tend to agree
But I dream not ...

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Birds on High














I saw birds

flying high

in the sky.


I wanted to

join them but

I can't fly.


Sometimes I feel

low, and I

just want to cry.


My smile, for

you see it

is fake.


Cause my soul

it surely

does ache.


I look for

a glimpse of

peace, ...

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Our Mark In History

To sit here and quietly reminisce,
is to kindly blow our history a kiss...
A kiss is fondness sent to embrace,
a darling child or yet my lovers face...

My lovers face is mine to gaze upon,
and feel the warmth I've known so long...
I've known so long about this wicked world,
where we wish to see the peace flag unfurled...

The peace flag unfurled would make so much s...

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My one day friend, Mark

  To Liverpool

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
On Vernon street
Off Dale street
I sat near the sidewalk
At the edge
Like a broken bridge
People were passing
With their robot walking
Sea gulls felt my pain
Also did the rain
And my one day friend Mark
Who heard the voice of gulls in my heart
And my desire to start
His frien...

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peaceLiverpoolLiverpool poetrymercysideriverpoetrylove poetrylove poemslifefriendshipfriends of the earthbe friends?old friendsmel my dear friendmysteriousMysteryfoggoodbyesJulie Goodyeargoodbye

The Bride of Necklace of Tales

By: Ali Taha Alnobani To the leaders of our world © 2011 by Ali Taha Alnobani
Thus the sea was
A bride who has a necklace of tales
A world of love
Dancing in dales
And a glass of wine
Sparkling of delight
In her loosely might
Blue and white
She was yours
She was mine
Thus love was
Two warm hands under a...

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Environmentprotecting the environmentearthnaturemotorways and nature lifeEcologyworldlifepeacewar to peacePeace Justice Woman Poewer

The Bride of Necklace of Tales

By: Ali Taha Alnobani To the leaders of our world © 2011 by Ali Taha Alnobani
Thus the sea was
A bride who has a necklace of tales
A world of love
Dancing in dales
And a glass of wine
Sparkling of delight
In her loosely might
Blue and white
She was yours
She was mine
Thus love was
Two warm hands under a...

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Environmentprotecting the environmentearthnaturemotorways and nature lifeEcologyworldlifepeacewar to peacePeace Justice Woman Poewer

Rifle and Violin

Song Against War
By : Ali Taha Alnobani
© 2011 by Ali Taha Alnobani
Helicopters were over us
Noise and fuss
Yesterday with orchestra
And today in battle
My life seems like a shuttle
The violin that was touching my neck
Became today a rifle
The tune of dancing and love
Just now became blood and pus
Noise and fuss

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riflepeaceviolinmovementMusic & Poetrypoetry muselove poemsLove lostmusicLOVE SONG

The Cocoon

The curtains a cocoon

which I have outgrown

crushing me

though I dare not venture out

my wings maimed

by an internal eternity.


Some days they open

as the sunlight shines

and snow falls

yet it remains a parallel world

a door to an unfamiliar universe

remains locked.


Even inside plates pile up

like a porcelain possum

they ...

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