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Another Two Line Horror Story

I look into the mirror, an old Woman is staring back at me!

AHH!, oh wait, it's just me.




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I'm the defective detective.

I marvel at the whiteness of frozen snow.

Left right upper leg.

Do you like beer?

No I like Ricky Gervais.

I'm inside the tumble dryer spinning in space.

Just made a hillinit bloody hooooot.


Why do I let the last 5 years drag me down?

Chained to me,

self destroying me from within.


I'm the Phantom Ray...

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gibberish poemdifferent topicsdifferent linesfunny

In Soviet Russia...

Aissur Teivos ni,

even the punchline is backwards.

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In Soviet RussiaSoviet RussiaIn Soviet Russia gagIn Soviet Russia jokejokesjokejokinglaughterhumorone linerpoetrywittysillyfunny

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