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Spring (Remove filter)

Spring in the High Peak


Spring in the High Peak



The raggle taggle skeins of snow rimmed the hills and huddled forlornly in the shady corners of the winter-weary fields.

Tucked into threadbare hedgerows, glistening crystals prismed the shafts of pale sunlight scything through the battleship-grey cloud-shards ragged by the bitter wind of the North, and beamed jewels of hope to the porcelain-blu...

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Happy Marriage


A little bit confused was beautiful Spring,

She had to choose for life a bridegroom.

Who would  give her a wedding ring?

Three suitors wanted to be her happy and bloom.


March, April and May vied with each other.

About their great love they quietly talked.

April was for Spring like a brother,

With March she just often liked to walk.


Timid March g...

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