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A Sad Clown


I am tired to pretend that

All is well on my land.

My heart is aching,

The last hope is breaking.


I am tired to hear the truth.

I loved you, it was forsooth.

I hate to hear the lies,

Try to find a compromise.


Only memories are in my treasury.

Thinking of you is my pleasury.

You were chasing for a fire-bird,

I memorized the words I’ve...

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A Lovely Nightmare


Memories still haunt you in dreams

the worst ones aren't violent nor perverse.

The worst dreams are the ones you wish came true

they haunt you with De Ja Vu

subconscious samurai,

donning swords and Fu Manchu.


Kreuger retreated, he knew he met his match

because love is the most infectious illness one can catch.

It starts with a thought, a flicker, a ...

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The edges of sadness

Hope is ...

Carried away on ocean tides.

Treacherous waters,

surround the lighthouse.

Sometimes wounds bleed a darker red,

staining blurred snippets of memory,

from impoverished depths.


Bubbles rise to the surface

pouring out bottled tears.

Rotating light shines,

illuminating the edges of sadness.

Waiting to rescue lost souls

and abandoned ...

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