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Lose no hope

Lose no hope

Monday, April 30, 2018

10:04 PM


God takes the test

and gives you rest

it will be the best he can offer

so later on, you suffer less


the body is prone to decay

and the death may have the sway

but nothing is taken away

without his wish and stays


you may recover soon

and come back with the boom

there is still room

and reason for yo...

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First time love

First time 

Monday, April 30, 2018
11:38 AM

First time I saw love
in your eyes and believed
there is something strange
I was unable to manage

what was flowing internally?
I tried to assess really I got no solution
it was beginning of the confusion

I still dared
and stared
into her eyes directly
I felt it real and divinely

she will not speak a word
and make me feel weak 

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Own writer

Own writer


I am a writer of my own

and remain well-known

my thoughts are driven by verses

and finds a suitable place


I may not know my drawbacks

until I receive feedback

so readers are my main source

play critics role and remain the dominating force


even though it is seen as God gift

I find the shift

in their pattern and behavior

I take it as hono...

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Yes, speak

Yes, speak

Monday, April 30, 2018
7:50 AM

Yes, speak for animals
And not for individuals
The individuals are selfish
As they want to finish the wildlife

We have cut the jungles
There is no room for sparrows
The parrots and cuckoos have disappeared
Everybody is on run and their life is feared

We go for the hunt
Kill them when come to quench the thirst
We aim at their existence

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The distant mirage


Distant mirage

Monday, April 30, 2018

7:13 AM


Peace is distant mirage

we write peacefully on the page

but in reality, it is mere camouflage

so long human beings don't change


history is a witness

there were the elimination of powerful kingdoms and races

the peace is built on rubbles

it comes after so much struggle was put on


so long, the judiciar...

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Freedom Won

Freedom won

Sunday, April 29, 2018

6:45 PM


Freedom is won

but not openly shown

it shrouded in mystery

each man suffers in the country


what did we fight for?

why there had been wars?

what did we get in return?

has it added more concerns?


you can openly assess

and face the wrath of the people

how much have they to struggle?

to ensure the survi...

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The poet never dies

The poet never dies

Sunday, April 29, 2018
7:12 AM

The poet never dies
but his spirit revives
his soul survives
in people's memories

what all he does?
he reaches
to the heart and mind
and comfortably finds his position

the pen does the miracle
and rouses the feelings
it touches the nerve of the people
and thus starts the holy struggle

there is need
not with greed 
but wi...

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Means a lot

Means a lot

Sunday, April 29, 2018

6:20 AM


It means a lot of love

it is not to be fought

love is to be got

from a person without being caught


we have yet not awakened

and hastened '

not to add anything

we are missing something


even though the person may not be influential

yet, he remains powerful individual

goes in search of another

and crea...

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Miss me not

Miss me not


Saturday, April 28, 2018

2:35 PM


I know life is strange

But everybody can't manage

You go to sleep

And life ends for the day to keep hope alive


No one can assure

And make sure

That, this will be his last

We all believe and trust


I heard father saying

When he was laying

Some words to that effect

He was trying to prove it as f...

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The happiness is

The happiness is


Saturday, April 28, 2018

1:05 PM


The happiness is the outcome of mind

The one always finds

With an outburst of the joy

And this is steadily enjoyed


We feel sad

When someone in the family is dead

The sadness is clearly read

The heart is directly fed


The reaction may be spontaneous

And that shall invade continuously

You may ...

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The prayers are

The prayers are

Saturday, April 28, 2018

7:37 AM

The prayers are my life

Even if life remains torn strife

I take care to see

That life remains trouble free


Why do I remember?

And offer

My sincere prayers

To the universe creator


I don’t know

But go by

The elder's belief

That he only can provide relief


He may provide me strength

When I g...

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Who is an enemy?

Who is an enemy?


Friday, April 27, 2018

8:44 PM


Ladies are enemies of ladies

The truth varies

Strong arguments are given

But the recent incidence is forgotten


Mothers try to defend boys

Who consider girls as toys

Take them to an isolated place and play

Their arrogance, thus, assures to stay


"It is normal with boys" mothers may defend

And not ...

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Remember an old

Remember an old

Friday, April 27, 2018
1:09 PM

Remember an old good days
As they have not stayed
With us for a long 
And proved us wrong

The past may have been glorious
And made you famous
As the days passed by 
It vanished despite your hard try 

The parents gave full protection
And despite your notoriety and action
They had soft corner and affection
And complete approval and...

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I loved

I loved


Friday, April 27, 2018

7:06 AM


I love my brother

Who expired much earlier

He was kind of heart

And played his part well


Good people are always remembered

As they remain aloof and offer

Their contribution to the each member

And look after well


Being elder in the family

He always remained happy

And kept us in good spirit

He took g...

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So many questions

So many questions

Friday, April 27, 2018

8:17 AM

I intend not to look back

But stake at present

And move on with harmony

As it is disliked by many


The mind is fully occupied

And always lied

And refused to accept the reasons

I believe it is necessary for a person to know


The past is not to be kept alive

And believe in

As it has no glorious relevance


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Madeeha Gauhar

we always remember social activists

who have always insisted for all

the equal rights and honorable place

with disregard to cast, creed, and race


even though she has departed for Jaanat* (heaven)

she has left behind the big void screen

we can only pray for her peaceful stay

we, the powerless, human beings have no other say


being vocal opponent

her absence may b...

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The world is open

The world opened

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
9:56 AM

The whole world opened for me
I thought I am a free bird
For each object, I have a word 
For this transformation, I pray the lord

When I was sent to school
I was called a fool
But parents took a chance 
There was enough of negligence

It was first birth in the literary world
So many things were told
The basic education was impa...

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Nice people struggle

Nice people struggle

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

8:13 AM


Nice and good people

have to struggle more

they remain under stress

but keep a smile on the face


I saw her in the crowd

with laughter so loud

it raised a question in the mind

so I tried to find out


there was no difficulty

as I tried to find nearly all the facts

it was astonishing to note


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The destiny and after



Tuesday, April 24, 2018

10:05 PM


Destiny is not decided by us

We got to keep the trust

In the creator

With full faith and honor


I may try in a different way

But His verdict may stay

We are simply watchers

And can offer only prayers


Sometimes, we are frustrated

And disheartened

For not getting the way you like

But it is surely no...

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Poetry for peace

Poetry For Peace - 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
8: 40 PM

Poetry is for peace
And not for the living at an ease
Each nation has to defend the national interest 
And they do their level best 

But by doing so
Each nation goes
By their peaceful 
And international drive to become successful

India has provided a good example
Whereby we have never claimed rule over anyone
Or staked claim...

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The feather in a cap

Feather in cap

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
7: 42 PM

For the success, we term it as a feather in the cap
Is it not the storm in teacup? 
For little things, we show it as a big victory
And don't give credit to an almighty 

But what is feather? 
Like the crown
It has a unique representation
Of all colors in one presentation

So what are we trying to show? 
And go 
By traditional sayin...

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good to learn

Good to learn 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
2:59 PM

It is good to learn 
That tide has turned
The people really look towards
For an entry visa for the medical purpose

The sport is a different thing
And it tries to bring 
The humanitarian aspect  
In consideration of the kind act

I, no doubt, consider it as a human appeal 
From a well-known hockey player Mansoor Ahmed for medical tre...

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Thank you, Prime minister

Thank you, Prime Minister


Monday, April 23, 2018

7:50 AM



Thank you, Prime  minister

now we shall usher

in peace and have nothing to fear

about rape to our dear ones


we have seen the troublesome years

where the girls had tears

the women had an unknown fear

now we shall have nothing to bear


it shall send a warning signal

to all those indiv...

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When darkness descends

When darkness descends


Sunday, April 22, 2018

7:47 PM



When the darkness descends on earth

We fear and think of death

Generally speaking, in such time our mind thinks fast

It amounts the endurance taste


We have observed the calmness

When fear rushes on the face

No one ventures out

Only bad things are talked about


Dark represents gloom atmosp...

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Don't rob her

Don't rob her


Sunday, April 22, 2018

10:49 AM


Don't rob her of riches

Where we can’t reach

We take no steps to nourish

On the contrary, finish her greenish cover


She has a lot more to give

And forgive

Our treacherous action

And give no reaction


How much weight does she endure?

We go on pouring pollutants

We cut the trees and make her barre...

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Attack on the judiciary

Attack on judiciary
Sunday, April 22,2018
11: 26 AM

The supreme court has observed
The politicians have believed
They can use the highest court of the land 
To take their cases to selfish end 

It is muscle twisting tactics
To influence others cases
To bring it into their favor
Thus to force the compromise and honor

If verdict comes in their favor
Then the judgment is accepted wit...

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Let us utter

Let us utter


Sunday, April 22, 2018

6:27 AM


Let us utter

And offer

Inner feeling on page

And silently manage


What do we put in form of words?

The internal wish and the will of God

In sincere terms to a person

With devotional feelings and reasons


Such a holy medium

Where words speak a minimum

The spirit tries to excel

And intelligently t...

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Beyond the boundaries

Beyond the boundaries

Sunday, April 22, 2018
5:58 AM

It is a divine concept
And reflects on our acts
Whereby an imagination run beyond
Like dream of the sea from the bottom of the pond

The world is so big
And we dig
To know the secrets
But it doesn't allow us or let

Yet, the human being is called an intelligent animal
Where perception varies from people to people
some of the p...

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No shame on all

No shame on all


Saturday, April 21, 2018

9:34 AM


We call our selves so

But things go

Differently with concept

Only humanity has wept


Politicians say

Youngsters sometimes stay

With the irresponsible behavior

And bring discredit and dishonor to women


The human rightists advocate no death penalty

And in the absence of it, people take the liberty


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Love, no poetry

Love, no poetry

Friday, April 20, 2018
11: 21 AM

Nothing touches 
But reaches
To my heart
Your simple art

No, they are not your verses
With so many misses
But the hidden cry and passion
That strives for human relation 

It touches my soul 
And I try to respond to the call 
But alas! I miss a beat
And face an illusion to meet

My eyes remain starved
And observe
That unseen ...

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It is no good

It is no good

Friday, April 20, 2018
8:31 AM

It is no good
To bring all the time the name, God
We all know that death is certain
We must observe the sanctity and maintain

Everybody is passing through turmoil
When gripped by the death of beloved one and fail
To understand why such thing happened!
My dear friend!the life doesn't  end with this 

You try to end the life and misery

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The friendversary



Friday, April 20, 2018

7:11 AM


I think it is the best occasion

To strengthen the relation

And come closer

Even if persons are living very far


Live communication serves the purpose

The friends we choose

Exchange views and pleasantries

And thus share the happiness


The relation lasts long

If nothing goes wrong in between

The tha...

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The need for an hour


The need for an hour


Thursday, April 19, 2018

8:57 PM


What is need of an hour?

Do we not want an hour?

For the nation, for the self and for all

Is it the thought of an individual?


Will only religion takes us forward?

I have no concrete words to say

But yes, true nationalism shall bond us together

Make us think fresh and some solution shall be offer...

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No need to fear

No need to fear

Thursday, April 19, 2018
9:08 PM

As reports pour in
It becomes the unruly scene
The kidnapping of girl is now burning issue
The public awareness is very much due 

The father of the girl has reported 
About the incidence to the police and lodged
The complaint about forcible torture
Rape and about a possible murder

The police are given an exact location
With the n...

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

6: 41 AM


How come life shine? 

When there is the absence of divine feeling! 

When you think of no noble work

Escape always with tricky words


Sun rises as usual

We get up and get seized with as casual

The day passed with no fun fare 

Sometimes we withdraw and sometimes dare 


Where does it take us? 


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I shall not be cowed

I shall not be cowed down

For the no-fault,  I own

It has been made known

Even though, my mind has flown too far


No doubt, you entered my kingdom

I cared seldom

But though over it often

I, for the first time, dreamed about heaven


It was shocking to learn 

When you turned

Your back and left forever

My mind was seized with fear


Nights turned barren


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Going to be

Going to be


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

10:18 AM


You are going to be a teacher

Well thought of profession in career

Generally speaking, ladies prove better than men

As they have very often shown


They are not the only kind of nature

But assure too

The smooth flow of kindness

And show its spirit on the face


They have a sharp mind

And generally, the...

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No possibility

No possibility


Tuesday, April 17,2018

9: 45 AM


Even if there is no possibility or room

We find a desert boom

We find the flowers on the cactus

So colorful and unique in appearance


Nature has remained so blissful

Even desert town now witness snowfall

Where there was no raindrop since years

We find rain in abundance and witness the showers


So is t...

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We may call

We may call


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

7:37 AM


We may call them innocent

But their mind is present

At our activities and observe

Minute things and certainly believe


They may look ignorant

And quite innocent too

But what is going on in their find

We need to develop a sense of that kind


If parents land in the quarrel

That doesn't go well

With t...

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What an amusement !


What an amusement!


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

7:09 AM


The thought itself creates a shiver

When I find you very near

The invisible touch makes me think over

What shall be the result when you makeover!


I go back tot eh dream

And find you in my team

I look at handsome figure

Who is going to be future? 


It was never an easy going

When you were ...

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Women's role


Women's role


Monday, April 16, 2018

9:45 PM


Yes, we are fortunate

And can happily relate

The role of women in our crusade

They remain true partner until an end


This fact is neither denied

Nor lied

Without the women's existence

There is no sense of the argument


Can anyone think of child's development?

If the mother is absent

With mothe...

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You will know

 You will know

Monday, April 16,2018
8: 26 PM

You will know
And go
By own conscience
If affordedthe chance

No one should try to know
As it will blow
In all the direction
The person may know it in action

Love is not for asking
Or you get it on staking 
Love is self-confession
One becomes know with its obsession 

Life is full of thrill
You need not make a drill
The death m...

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Yes, lot more


Yes lot more


Monday, April 16, 2018

10:25 AM


Yes, lot more to do in life

as if it is razor sharp like a knife

An ordinary man with a simple living

I keep the faith and tend in believing


I have to walk still miles and miles

Work hard and file

All my achievements in hidden store

Still, something left behind to explore


I feel no pity for fello...

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Right or wrong


Right or wrong


Monday, April 16, 2018

9:30 AM


Whether right  or wrong

We are among

The same breed and race

Why not feel shame to face such tragedy?


Don't try to add fuel?

It doesn’t augur well

The little angel has gone

And we are trying to vitiate the scene


It is not the first time that such things have happened

The whole country has con...

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Yes, we were

Yes, we were


Monday, April 16, 2018

7:41 AM


Yes, we were together

And took enough care

For the interest of clients

And we were always ready to present


The company gave us salary and shelter

And above all, it was security cover

I was firmly committed to the cause

And you were always to chose best one


How can one forget?

When you let not the si...

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No one can say

No one can say


Sunday, April 15, 2018

8:42 PM


No one can say exactly

About the feelings of touching the body

And especially on female

One must definitely dwell


It has a mixed bag

When you tag

The subject to explain

It shall always remain a touchy subject


When you are touching the feet of the mother

It has different feeling altogether

You h...

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What is poetry for

What is poetry for!


Sunday, April 15, 2018

6:22 PM


Will the poetry be alright?

If studded with ornament

Used the words with not within reach

The principle of poetry is not as such


The poetry reaches to each heart

With not the purpose of an art

But with real belonging and part

Such is the basis and we have failed to start


If a normal man can't un...

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The life story

Life story


Sunday, April 15, 2018

5:53 PM


The life story is not made

It takes place in this world

The destiny is not sought

But you are caught unaware


The destiny is shaped by an almighty

You are struggling daily

God sees it from his crown

Everything is now clearly seen


We are fed with the stories

The luck also varies

Rich gets richer and ...

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Let us not shed

Let us not shed

Sunday, April 15, 2018
10:55 AM

Let us not shed crocodile tears
But courageously bear 
The losses of innocent human beings
And failed to bring much-needed peace

Why must population sit idle?
First to dictator
Then to Baghdadi who taught fanatics
To kill non-believers

How many has he wiped out?
We have no numbers but it is countless
Now they are on the verge ...

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How to remain


Hope to remain


Sunday, April 15,2018

11: 24 AM


Hope to remain our top priority

As it is wished by an almighty also 

Not the past is to be remembered 

But the present is to be explored


There is a glimmer of hope

And it must burn within non-stop

If not today, then tomorrow 

The tree plant shall grow


If the tree has a favorable situation


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