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Truth deceives no one

Truth deceives no one

Thursday,31st January 2019


The truth always reveals

and makes you feel

the essence of truth

that should be carried till death


who shall follow?

and allow

the truth to remain

without the feeling of pain!


leave no path

even if it costs truth

gives you lots of trauma and anguish

just stick to and finish the day


purge ...

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Never wished

Never wished

Thursday,31st January 2019


I never wished

and finished

the life contentment

that was the precious moment


what had I missed?

never tried to trace

as it was sufficient

for the present commitment


from day one

I desired none

but left it to an almighty

to grant me happily


No despair, no curse

no remorse to feel tense

the l...

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O females!

O females!

Thursday,31st January 2019


O females! of the universe

how to express!

our gratitude

in attitude


we are so thankful

to your purposeful life

that has built us into confidence

without feeling any tense


our life would have been ruined

if you had not defined

our way of living

into civilized society and led into believing


we cheris...

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From one yoke

From one yoke

Monday,28th January 2019


From one yoke

to another yoke

it is a cruel joke

even for an argument sake


to send one invader away

and inviting an another to stay

it may be the right move

but country paid heavy price to prove really independent


after 1857, it was exactly after 8 decades

that India could bare slavery away

with so much of sa...

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The real art

The real art

Tuesday,29th January 2019


the real art

that is in a position to change someone's heart

bring in compassion

and strengthen the human relation


it is composition

that has consolidation

of human feelings

in action and in words


the art

that becomes part

of our day-to-day life

and presents torn strife


through music or through wor...

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Keep heart

Keep heart

Tuesday,29th January 2019


You boom

in my heart room

with plenty of space

and no cruel chase


you are not only beautiful

but resourceful

and my inspiration too

in our relation


you are the only one

who is someone

so dear to me and close

I really feel proud to choose


save me from downing

and leaning towards bad

you are the ...

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For our future

For our future

Saturday,26th January 2019


No, eyes don't stop here

it moves further

probs on your body

and stares at the beauty


so wonderful to look at

and appreciate

with so much of an attraction

to have a very good relation


No, it has no lust angle

but anxiety to have a good soul

on my side

and reside in the heart


I hear in response


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I admire him

I admire him 

Sunday,27th January 2019


I secretly admire

and adore

his efforts in bringing  us up

and relentless work without any stop


what has he in the mind?

I tried to find as a boy

but I could only see his worries

that always told me and carried the impression


day and night

he was right there

on the job without his personal care

and always ...

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Pledges and promises

Pledges and promises

Sunday,27th January 2019


The destination is one

The life is one

the death is one

You only live once


we all go back

to the same source and stake

the holy position

as the mother institution


the river too goes to sea

and make self as free

from any worry

that is the mission all we have to carry


It is told

and realize...

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Illusory world

Illusory world

Friday,25th January 2019


I glanced at my association

with Facebook and its relation

So much bond of love and affection

with all readers and known reactions


what sort of an illusory world!

where we feel close and its proximity is told

we remain so close yet very far

we can see daily but can't become a star


previously the magicians used to ...

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Time moves on

Time moves further

Friday,25th January 2019


Each second ticks

each moment sticks

time moves on

with no regrets to be shown


we are on time bound scale

with the goal to gain or fail

but certainly forced to avail

any chance that shall sail towards the destiny


whether we know or not

but we are certainly caught

with the dilemma of doing or not doing


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For the cause of

For the cause of

Friday,25th January 2019


Some of the things you won't forget in an entire life

early struggling days and life with torn strife

no nourishing food and poverty

this already floods the memory daily


even to go to somebody's house,

work there for many hours

get nothing in plenty

and face the poverty


these are childhood memories

and carrie...

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For the benefit of


For the benefit

Thursday,24th January 2019


The person should follow the religion

that is followed in the region

and you are part of the majority

it will be easy for you to go along others for the prayers of an almighty


The religion does not offer slavery

on the contrary, it is the duty of everybody

to follow in earnest

that keeps you in the best of the hum...

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Wet with

Wet with

Thursday, 24th January 2019


I am wet with the cloths

yet I feel no uneasy breath

His memory brings me back in the picture

I hurry back  with sweet future


I remember

You were here

with me so close and near

pasted me with one memory dear


What a show heavenly touch!

that was to reach

my heart so deeply

and make me float divinely



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Only literature

Only literature

Thursday,24th January 2019


It is nothing else

that makes me tense

except for the literature

that makes my life for sure


I rise with the literature

start the day with a good measure

take free and pure air

to think about my role in the future


No cast, religion or region

except being human

with only one vision

that is human relatio...

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Life is no struggle

Life is no struggle

Thursday,24th January 2019


Is it human weakness?

that daily I love to face

the beautiful flowers

and offer my presence


I love colored one

from different size and petals are shown

I jump from one to another

I pick the fresh juice and rush to other


Such is the life with variance in it

I love to zoom over and greet

the natural fra...

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Treasure after death

After the death

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


I remain simple

not because I am in trouble

I am happy

not because I think not humanly


I am straight

because I get

the real response

from the people who are close


I try to be honest

as it is the best

policy to test

the real ground for the rest of then life


I am an earthly man

because I care...

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Keep under control

Keep under control

Wednesday,23rd January 2019


Patience is the key

that is needed in the journey

in life, you observe at the critical moment

it shall pay you rich dividend


patience and anger

both are of opposite nature

but if both are employed

you shall never be dismayed


circumstance may compel

with an insistence

that loose break

and invite the...

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Make life golden

Make life golden 

Wednesday.23rd January 2019


No, you have to live it at once

there is no other chance 

get experience

and refine the existence


mistakes or no mistakes

you will have to make

it not to repeat 

and meet the fate 


The life shall accord

with good words

you are rewarded 

so life is preciously worded


if life can be written on ...

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Set or rise

Set or rise

Wednesday,23rd January 2019


Whether it is sunrise or sunset

no opportunities must be let

you try and fail

but avail what is given to you


We may have sunrise

ad it may surprise also

it has a lot more to do

and pass through


as sunrise is important

sunset has also something to be sent

it provides the time look back

sleep well with what...

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Reflect in verses

Reflect in verses

Tuesday,22nd January 2019


I use

reuse the words

offer it for the entertainment

and always tried to present


People called me Hasmukh*

Meaning smiling face

I came back in the race

to make the literary chase


people refused

to make me confused

all wrong words for me

but I raised head and marched


why be afraid of someone?


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More smile

More smile

Tuesday,22nd January 2019


No more smile

and it remains undone

one more smile and

it is done


this is where the world has gone

in pieces, completely blown

but kept on with the best tradition

this is what we call it a human relation 


more you bend

lest the message is sent

more you show the tolerenace

more and more chances are given



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Where are poets!

Where are poets! 

Monday,14th January 2019


Where the olden days have gone? 

where enough was done

by the noted poets

and let the world know about the power


what has happened today? 

we find the blockades on the way 

sometimes, the finger is raised 

and not allowed the goal to be chased 


the self-styled godfathers have emerged

they try to put the newc...

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His language

His language

Monday,14th January 2019


I became restless

to find His face

His language

His eternal age


I don't know

by what logic people go!

pray and blow

His name with faith


has he confided to one religion?

then why other messengers appeared in different regions?

with the message of peace and stability

why are we quarreling on His name as an al...

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Our basic concern

Our basic concern

Monday,14th January


What do I explore?

with the pen and adore

the love of any kind

it always remains in the mind


the words release

and ease

the tension in mind

I have a lot more to find


Many times, I think of being human

and the role of man and woman

it takes me towards the people

who daily strive hard and make the struggle


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Friendship hand

Friendship hand 
Monday,14th January 2019

We are not here to deny
but to accept and rely on
the young poets 
and let them excel 

We have opened the window
and allowed
their creation
to be felt by all the nations

We shall hold their hand
and send 
good wishes
and allow the empowerment to reach 

As we have believed
in one family and strived
very hard to remain intact
this is...

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Closeness to God

Closeness to God

Sunday,13th January 2019


I read the poem about the closeness

who shall have direct access?

to the God to receive

the blessings and firmly believe


I pondered over the issue

and felt that it was due

to give one's own view

and love the internal interview


theoretically. it is the priest

who always insists

that people should follow the...

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Mark of questionjadia

Mark of question

Sunday,13th January 2019


where there is left no option

bring to an end. the relation

if that is creating a real division

and putting a mark of question 


give the full try

and fly

with full of an ideas

and positive pleas


let all the means get exhausted

let all your energy gets twisted

but leave no room for an accusation

else you...

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Be good

Be good

Sunday,13th January 2019


Whether it is a new year

or fresh day anywhere

it depends on your resolve

and an earnest try to solve


we are all human beings

and try to bring success

and make access

with stress


We all know

that nothing goes

in our favor or against

even if tried level best


it is our basic approach

that makes us feel ...

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Keep yourself clear

Keep yourself clear

Sunday,13th January 2019


Yes, things are really different

when you want to present

from your perspective

and be vocal and indicative


you may have your own drawbacks

reservations and stakes

that applies the brake

as you never like to act fake


mind not about others

and keep fears

in the mind

and think about their unkindness


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The days starts

The day starts

Saturday, January 12, 2019

6:57 AM


The day starts

with feeling like part

of the precious life

with the knowledge that it shall be trouble-torn strife


it has brightened the whole sky

and filled the body with energy skill and try

I shall venture out

and courageously start


Life, I simply take

and accept it like cake

with sweet resol...

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Life and danger

Life and danger

Saturday,12th January 2019


It is crystal clear

I really fear

the life and dangers

sometimes it adds to my anger


Life seems so dear

and I want to nurture

in a safe way

and comfortably stay


the habit has been cultivated

and remained related

to own selfishness

this wicked sign can be traced on the face


each word is spoken w...

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No more thoughts

No more thoughts

Friday,11 January 2019


Not to worry at all

it is a natural call

to wind up and pack for another land

to remain there forever till an end


we don't know

but go by religious bool's assumption

that there exists some relation

for doing right or wrong with an equation


the body shall be buried deep below

and allowed

to merge with earth e...

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Receive with grace


Receive with grace

Friday,11th January 2019


What do you want to be?

animal, bird or free man!

who can be more useful than any others?

just think twice and offer yourself


If you have decided to be a poet

learn how to remain quiet

despite hurdles put on the road

and constantly imposed the load


try to die each moment

with the movement

that shall...

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The only sourcde

The only source
Monday,7th January 2019

Sleep with faith 
awake with the breath
cease with the death 
so take the sincere oath 

nothing happens
and is driven 
without purpose
we have to choose 

I have stood like the rock
when life was in smoke
faith brought me back in the game
"my roots remained firm" hence I claim

nothing shall come easily
and nothing shall go away readily 

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Lies- an integral part

Lies-Integral part

Thursday,10th January 2019


Why lies occupy good position?

in human relationships

and why are we taking refuge?

and refuse to accept the truth!


the mentality has been completely changed

we want to protect the personality and manage

with the falsehood and pretend

and show it as the correct trend


we repeat the lies a hundred times


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Find a solution

Find solution

Thursday,10th January 2019


Where do I find mental peace?

and spend the rest of the life at ease

I want to take that land on the lease

can anyone come to my help, please?


I have probed the mind very often

and remained desperately driven

but the answer is not at all received

my expectations are belied


yes, there are internal enemies

and t...

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No hate with hate

No hate with hate

Thursday,10th January 2019


If we can win over the internal enemies

if the answer is in yes, then there lies

the solution for all tragedies

we have the medicine and remedy


Why go outside and advocate?

take the refuge under the guise of lies and relate

the things which are common

for all of us as human beings


Whoever has won over the hat...

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No shelter but surrender

No shelter but surrender

Tuesday,8th January 2019


"what have you gained from the meditation?

someone asked Lord Buddha a question

"nothing at all " particularly no gain

But I learned about compassion


Love for human beings

compassion and kindness to bring

happiness for all mankind

and above to remain blind toward worldly pleasure


:"Peace in Mind"


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Love and sacredness

Love and sacredness

Tuesday,8th January 2019


How do we term love?

and believe

in its sacredness

and bear the smiling face?


no doubt, first it an appearance

then you have a coincidence

along with the heavenly chance

and taking place at once


you are dreaming the sequence

you compare the belongingness

and then all of the sudden miss

you seek the f...

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We all sobbed

We all sobbed

Monday,7th January 2019


I took her words

and looked towards

the sky was silent

only stars were present


She was holding the hand

her eyes tried to send

few words with strain

she was in real pain


"what if I am parted"!

cry not when I am departed

she was telling endlessly

I remained motionless and sadly


You are going nowhere


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No hatred, please

No hatred, please

Sunday,6th January 2019


First and foremost thing to be hated

it is an importance given to unrelated things

bear grudges in mind

and present it in an unkind manner


It is unfortunate

that anyone bears or gets

the biased opinion

it is not for good human being


hatred is the worst enemy

that has been forbidden even by an almighty

it m...

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I am nothing

I am nothing

Sunday, January 6, 2019

7:28 AM


I am nothing

and lack everything

I am your shadow

I have everything to show


What else can I do?

The love I can show through

my eyes may speak

and stick with the same views


never leave me

like the barren tree

it shall have no blossom

flowers shall appear seldom


How can I dream?

life with...

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Beautiful relation

Beautiful relation

Sunday, January 6, 2019

7:59 AM


Feet dance

when we have a chance

in love to mingle

and feel as loving people


nothing matters

as surroundings offer

and echo over love

to be sincerely believed


everything remains quiet

when we let

no moments to pass

in our love stance


my soul feels your touch

to reach

an inner d...

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You are beautiful

You are beautiful

Sunday, January 6, 2019

6:53 AM


You are beautiful

your mission is purposeful

just prob inside

you have lot more to confide


Your eyes see beautiful things

in others and try to bring

some comparison

that why you have no such vision?


believe in me, this is one of the great things

that brings you close to repentance

but it is grea...

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With humanity

Action with humanity

Friday,4th January 2019


The year has opened the new quest

and forces me to go for the best

like a bee, go to new flowers

collect the honey-sweet and offer


human beings are always starved

and we too have observed

that new and new poems emerge

from the corner of the heart and urge


everybody can do it with the honesty

if his soul re...

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Misses a beat

Missed a beat

Thursday,3rd January 2019


I made a successful start

involving humanity as art

and made it a glorious part

without failing the smile to look smart


what a joy and encouragement!

when I present

My work before the people

and influence their struggle


If I can't be there by the side

but surely be of some help to decide

I think life has rea...

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True being

True being

Thursday,3rd January 2019






the true, real feelings

as a human being


Hasmukh Mehta

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Worth and real

Worth and real

Thursday,3rd January 2018


My heart is full of praise words

not only for my lord

but for all those who surge ahead

and positively read


it always sings

and tries to bring

the harmony and peace

within and outside


when it remains full of compassion

it always cares for the human relation

their sentiments, plight, and agony

and always ...

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Lovely mom

Lovely mom

Wednesday,2nd January 2019


Oh! my lovely kid

where from have you read?

that heaven is made for all the dead

but make prayers and always plead


You were very little

when I had to make desperate struggle

and stay alive

but I could live for only short


I was taken away

to stay

in different world

"heaven" was the name to be called



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