The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.


Tue 8th Sep 2020 23:27

Surgery tomorrow.
Not sure when I'll be back.
but then again,
you may need a break!

Comment is about M.C. Newberry (poet profile)

Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 7th Sep 2020 23:11

well said.
In fact you said it
better than I.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Fri 4th Sep 2020 03:21

They want us to become nameless and subservient
so they can control us-
we shut down
we wear masks
we give up our jobs and businesses
Baa Baa Bah
we are now complacent sheep.

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Sun 30th Aug 2020 00:52

your sister has to endure therapy for years?
Yikes. Well now I do not feel so bad.
It's just that I hate hospitals and bureaucracy.
You can call for something and by the time they show up
you forgot what you called for. hahaha?

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Sat 29th Aug 2020 08:42

what a great response!
"the eyes of Texas" are indeed upon me.

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Kevin T.S. Tan

Sat 22nd Aug 2020 18:04

Thank you for responding on my profile. I think every nation has something unique to offer. Learning to appreciate that.

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Mon 17th Aug 2020 00:48

do you still have that record player?
by now, it would be worth a fortune
signed with Your autograph!

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Sun 16th Aug 2020 02:07

no, not a joke.
In America, this is what they are proposing.
Defund the Police is the new buzz phrase...
cut police budgets,
add more social workers and counselors.

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Sat 8th Aug 2020 13:02

yes, but did you ever pay off that record player?

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 3rd Aug 2020 01:43

don't mind getting wet.
it washes away bad poetry.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 20th Jul 2020 01:45

that's what they claim.
but I don't believe it.
Why does sweat still pour
into my summer eyes
and leave them burning
well into night?

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sun 19th Jul 2020 01:18

When pain arrives
we feel sensation-
When will it decline?
upon cremation!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sat 18th Jul 2020 00:08

I try to be creative
sometimes like Frankenstein
I create Monsters!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Wed 15th Jul 2020 02:43

Harry Day, the Royal Flying Corps First World War fighter ace, remarked that “rules are for the obeyance of fools, and the guidance of wise men". Harry Day was captured by the Germans in WW2 and repeated helped others to escape and many times attempted to escape himself. He finally escaped, stealing a VW car and driving it to Allied lines. Harry continually fought against the rules set against him, and in doing so, he saved many lives.

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Wed 8th Jul 2020 03:16

all in fun.
I really like beards.
Santa's is my favorite.

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Tue 7th Jul 2020 03:12

I'll agree with you
if you agree with me
that I am right
as for you?


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Sat 4th Jul 2020 03:12

very clever response MC.

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Wed 1st Jul 2020 03:12

that's a cute saying
Is it British?
or Bulgarian?

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John Coopey

Sun 28th Jun 2020 19:28

Thanks for your thoughts on Al Jolson, MC. It would make a great quiz question in a picture round to identify AJ not blacked up. Personally, I have no problems with him black facing in the 1920's. I myself have done it in the past for a James Bond fancy dress night. I'm sure he'd have second thoughts now. Just as I would.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sat 27th Jun 2020 11:52

a weak or cowardly man
First Known Use of milksop

14th century, in the meaning defined above
History and Etymology for milksop

Middle English, literally, bread soaked in milk

(i had to look it up.)

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Thu 25th Jun 2020 17:23

You got there just before I twigged the error and amended it of my own volition - good to see you were on the ball though just in case. I blame the hot weather. Keep well. P.

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Wendy Higson

Wed 24th Jun 2020 19:15

Thankyou for all your comments I keep saying I’m not going to write any more but I can’t help myself my mind is a whirlwind cannot help myself never had anything published don’t really know how to use my iPad There are lots of fascinating writers and love reading them Thank you love Wendy X

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Sat 20th Jun 2020 18:28

Hi MC, thanks for your perspective. Here's mine: I am not one for erasing the past, censoring and DVD-collection burning etc. In a country with as much history as ours, most long-lived institutions are going have histories that might make some modern heckles raise. However, do I think statues are a special case.

The people we choose to quite literally put (and keep) on a pedestal in our streets and cities for all to look up at are not always appropriate for the time.

It might sound flippant but if I had to pass a statue on my daily commute celebrating a historical figure who rounded up poets with ginger beards and slaughtered them or enslaved them - I'd probably feel quite unnecessarily awkward on a daily basis.

I do not think statues should be thrown into the sea either. Put them in a museum (it keeps them clean, safe, maintained, polished) and provide people interested in the history some context; the figure's pros and cons. And then let's have some modern, representational statues in their place; not just objectionable dead men. Maybe in 100 years, the new statues will need to be put in a museum and replaced too - so be it!

I'm not qualified to speak on what is and isn't offensive to minority groups in the UK, so it's important we listen to their voices and perspectives. We should be ready to act if the consensus is that dumb traditions (i.e. statues) need be challenged.

I love the range of views on WoL and the lively debate. I might see if I can write a poem about that... ? Cheers, Tom

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sat 20th Jun 2020 12:24

You will get no sympathy,
nor will you get a refund.
You are out of date
and out of order!

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Fri 19th Jun 2020 22:27

Thanks for your comments M.C. I don't know the answer to policing any questions my poem raises. There is endemic racism in the U.S. but Britain also has its more than fair share.
I meant the piece not as a political statement but a account of an episode in my life that for me was positive. Its from a period quite long ago now.
Incidentally the conception of English people not being racist was transmitted to me on more than a few occasions on many many happy visits I have made to the states.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Thu 18th Jun 2020 03:36

Observe and watch,
then Write!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sat 13th Jun 2020 03:37

"everybody needs to get stoned".
-B. Dylan

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 8th Jun 2020 22:27

Touchdowns - thanks MC - your take, I always find to be an interesting one. Wasn't sure how this one might be interpreted but most of us now live in a cosmopolitan world free of radical undercurrents and I can remember having a Malaysian pen friend years ago when such things were the lingua franca of the times.?

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John Coopey

Mon 8th Jun 2020 17:09

Thanks for the heads-up about George Lloyd/Floyd. The name somehow got scrambled in my head sometime between “A Black Life Doesn’t Matter Any More” (where I got it right) and “Hideaway (where I didn’t). The confusion should have been obvious to me when I made the audio - it needed a few takes because I kept involuntarily singing “Lloyd George”. Age, eh?

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sun 7th Jun 2020 23:41

The stars and the celebrities always have to stick their noses in
like they know something. All they do is repeat the lines
someone else has written.
Pretty faces. Not much upstairs!

Comment is about M.C. Newberry (poet profile)

Original item by M.C. Newberry


Wed 3rd Jun 2020 03:48

It's the old "Golden Rule"
Do unto others...

the bad part is...
those who burn and destroy businesses
are in fact destroying the lives of those
who built them, sometimes taking years,
their life-savings.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 2nd Jun 2020 12:11

M.C., I always thought 'penny wise, pound foolish' COULD mean 'those people who skimp on pennies constantly, might get hit emotionally and helplessly, by something they absolutely WANT, regardless of cost. Something other folk could consider silly or unnecessary, anything from art to the finest cut of meat for just one meal.' I agree, it's a toughy!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sun 31st May 2020 23:58

I agree M.C.
so obviously,
I am with you
and you're with me!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Fri 29th May 2020 22:01

Hauwei Five - OH! Brilliant!! ?

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Thu 21st May 2020 03:22

Eat at home.
It's cleaner and safer.
Plus you don't
have to tip the waiter!

Comment is about M.C. Newberry (poet profile)

Original item by M.C. Newberry


Tue 19th May 2020 04:13

you outdid yourself on this one!
Very good!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 18th May 2020 11:42

Wisdom comes from age
imagine that,
Oftentimes it comes
after the fact!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sat 16th May 2020 11:27

my wife says
if I don't behave,
I'll soon see the inside
of my grave!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Sat 9th May 2020 09:29

"Manners" are a thing of the past.
Along with common courtesy.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Wed 6th May 2020 13:20

think Facebook, Mark Zuckenberg,
Imperial highness
controlling all thought and speech.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Thu 30th Apr 2020 22:19

how does one qualify to be an "Edwardian" father?
(apparently you are the only one to get the humor,
then again, you may be the only one who read the poem0

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Tue 28th Apr 2020 23:14

"lambs to the Laughter"
I like it!!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 27th Apr 2020 21:05

a lot of alliteration going on
were you an English teacher?

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 27th Apr 2020 16:48

MC one could write a wonderful poem just by reciting about some of London's better known streets - where the Guardsmen fell down due to tension and heat. Thanks for commenting. Appreciated. P.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Wed 22nd Apr 2020 23:10

The poems i write
give reader's pause
still on I write
well, just because!

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 20th Apr 2020 12:32

Hi MC thanks for the kind comment on Meditation - appreciated. P ?

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Fri 17th Apr 2020 16:29

Hi MC - Antenna - fascinating little things are they not? I remember when my Dad took us to live in the Isle of Man after the war and seeing a swarm of them piece-meal attacking an earthworm - not a pretty sight. Appreciated your comments though. Thanks. P.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Wed 15th Apr 2020 04:18

The Chinese knew about it and said nothing.

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Mon 13th Apr 2020 01:40

It's not Capitalism that is at fault,
it's the damn Chinese who withheld the truth
and for all we know actually let loose the virus
from their Bio lab.
As for Gates, he is a typical Globalist,
who will do anything to keep his Chinese market share.

Guess who holds the "patent" for CoronaVirus?

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Original item by M.C. Newberry


Wed 8th Apr 2020 04:04

it's just that so much of it is garbage.
it's like people just throw words together
whether they make any sense or not
and then call it poetry.

Comment is about M.C. Newberry (poet profile)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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