The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.


Greta Thunberg, the media's muppet,

(On anonymous strings,this well-travelled puppet),

Tells us here that the world is on fire;

Anyone got a boat for hire?

Whiie a media hack was on the box

Saying Russia and China are in the stocks

For causing the storms from off the Atlantic,

But excuse me if I appear pedantic -

The prevailing winds from off that ocean

Are westerly - not easterly, so here's a notion:

Is the cause of all that storm and surge

As usual; the mighty solar urge

To have the air and water rise

To mix in tumult in the skies?

In northern reaches where it goes

It results in blasts of winter snows

In milder parts unless winds change

The snow is rain - is that so strange ?!

Why then - no scientific mention

Of the sun at work to draw attention

To how and why it might affect

The weather that we might expect?

It's a question for any enquiring mind

But silence is "golden" - don't you find?

Let's get busy dredging river beds

Deepening their depth as watersheds,

And stop idiots building on flood plains

To let them act as natural drains.

Let's return to common sense once more

Found back in the day when folk knew the score !.









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M.C. Newberry

Tue 3rd Mar 2020 16:04

Hi Brian - always good to hear from you. Your experience of the
hurricane season in your neck of the woods is recognised so thanks
for the comment. In this particular instance, what is not being said
seems as relevant as that which we hear with such stridency. As for your question,
my blogs on this site will suffice for me as far as "publication" is concerned.

Brian Blanchard

Mon 2nd Mar 2020 18:55

Oh so good Mark! As a meteorologist (although out of practice), I heartily agree! Off topic here, but do you have plans to publish another collection of these latest works?

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 2nd Mar 2020 10:51

Thanks for the entertaining comments - and the "likes". I like to
believe in rational thinking and find anything overtly "one-way" to
be worth challenging in the interest of "balance" in any important debate.


Sun 1st Mar 2020 21:28

With you all the way on this one MC - as I say to a couple of my Engineer chums - you wouldn't want to wake up in the middle of the night and find the scary wraith like figure of Greta standing there finger wagging and yelling 'How dare you'. It would kill me on the spot. P. ?

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Don Matthews

Sun 1st Mar 2020 20:58

Greta Thunberg, the media's muppet,
(On anonymous strings,this well-travelled puppet),

Nice lines.....


Rhyme on
Like you
Like me

Hey diddle
Diddle dee
Greta Thun
He he

Stop this silliness....

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 1st Mar 2020 20:55

Why not indeed?
A Hike on a Bike to a Dyke - or two,
What's not to like - from me to you !
Carry on, Maryon ! ?

<Deleted User> (18980)

Sun 1st Mar 2020 19:54

We would do well to consult the masters of taming the waters...the Dutch. If it's any help I'm over there in June on a cycling holiday and could act as ambassador for the UK Govt...well Andrew and Harry are out of it so someone's got to step up to the plate.

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