The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.


In the cause of lightening up someone's day - read on.

A boy asked his Granny.  "Have you seen my pills.  They're labelled LSD".

"F..k the pills", Granny replied, "have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?!"








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jennifer Malden

Sun 1st Mar 2020 08:39

Really funny this one!!! Made my day definitely. I used to do hospital visiting, and there was a lovely boy, (but not to his parents, understandably) who had tried just about everything, and was in a bad way. He complained about the red spiders all over the bed, and the blue monkey on the ceiling! If I brushed the spiders off frequently, and said the monkey was asleep, he would settle down!


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Don Matthews

Sat 29th Feb 2020 14:26

I just got it
Ho ho ho
Granny popped them
Pills ho ho



Sat 29th Feb 2020 13:25

Poor Granny
Will she ever know
She popped in yellow
Pills of love, solace and doom
Now who would give
Sonny his naughty pills

Good one MC!!

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Don Matthews

Sat 29th Feb 2020 12:49

I am an Aussie
Hence bit slow
I just don't get it
Ho ho ho

I just have got it
Ho ho ho
Dragons leaping
Into March......

Well done Aussie.....


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