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Competition closes in 53 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Color Matters

Color Matters

Many people discuss white privilege.
Other folks just can't fathom it.
Some will think they know.

When you live it each day
in your heart and bones,
what is there to think?

White folks can snooze here.

Now let's talk light privilege.
Here we mean shades of color.
Lighter shades are easier accepted.

There was a dark girl in my Junior High School.
She used Nadilona Bleaching Cream each day,
hands to upper arms and face to lower neckline.




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keith jeffries

Sat 12th Oct 2019 22:00

Fred, your words are illuminating, they make sense. Keep it up.
Thanks Keith

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Fred Nicholson

Sat 12th Oct 2019 08:32

M.C. Newberry,

Some may agree this subject, 'Color Matters'
is infuriating, frustrating and downright annoying.
These experiences are not ouchies, that first appear
in the body. These grouped emotions start up stairs
and may cause headaches and body maladies.

I hear you loud and clear!
White Black Pink Ochre
Rough Dry Baggy Firm
skins don't matter to me,
and it's not about skin tone.
My tone is paper bag brown.
What do you name yours?

It's about generations of families
severed from their rich cultures,
deprived of their native languages,
and given Jesus Christ to worship.
400 years later we watch Wakanda
and munch on hot buttered popcorn.

It's about Native American Indians. STOP!
Think about that. They certainly are natives.
American because of Mr. Vespucius.
Indian because of a geographical error.
90% of them were killed purposefully,
some not, by folks wanting to own land.

Physical, emotional and spiritual abuse
starvation deprivation and outright murder
may have long lasting affects (or is it effects),
on someone's outcome. What do you think?

It's about feeling it in my bones,
not just reading or thinking about it.

'Color Matters' is not just about Indians and cowboys
and Crayola hues. It is about Black and White though.
This is North America, where one(1) drop of African blood makes you black. You ever hear such nonsense where you live? We won't find this law on current books, but it lives on, in the heads of some here in the U.S of A.

M.C. Newberry, I don't know your racial heritage
and do know the adage about birds of a feather.
It has been that way AND change is quickening.
Each successive generation is more tuned in.
Old farts like me still cling to the past,
and need to step aside.

So many young people connecting in/with/for life/communion/love awakening.

M.C. Newberry, I heartily thank you for the thought-full response to my work and will respond to any and all other comments. I did not know what identifying name you'd prefer, so I used the name in front of me.

Blessings abound,

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Fred Nicholson

Thu 10th Oct 2019 21:26

Don, I agree with you.

We rely on mind and the 5 senses to determine our actions. History repeats itself. It may be time to try another way.

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Fred Nicholson

Thu 10th Oct 2019 21:16

Keith, I hear you loud and clear.
As long as there is belief in 'the other', it will always be an enigma of sorts. Sages, healers, guiding spirits all talk about the 'oneness of life, love, matter, the flow beneath appearance.
Continued belief in the 3-dimensional realm prevents us from knowing oneness of being. Some of us dart in and out of knowing. Some of us may never know. Maybe the Dalai Lama has a foot in each world continuously.
Keith, that is my simple take on life and breath.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 9th Oct 2019 16:37

A vexatious subject in many ways, not least for the unhappiness it
can cause. Even among darker skinned folk there's discrimination
- so where does it end? Do we have to resort to the old "birds of
a feather" syndrome to understand and come to terms with this
conumdrum? How much better it would be if we could all adopt
the attitude "take as you find".and use that as the basis for our
behaviour in this world of ours. But against that there are other
forces at work, not least the reality that "like" gravitates towards
"like" and "we" (across the social/racial spectrum) feel more
at ease with those who share much of what makes us who we are
- and that doesn't just mean "lighter skinned" people, does it?
Adapting to changing circumstances - individually and generally -
requires commitment from us all if we are to make the future a
worthwhile prospect for those growing up now.

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Don Matthews

Wed 9th Oct 2019 03:08

Unfortunately colour is seen as important in society. How wrong. It's what's inside us and shown to others that is.....

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keith jeffries

Tue 8th Oct 2019 22:56


This poem albeit brief speaks volumes on the subject of colour and how it is perceived. I think it will always be an enigma of sorts. Your words give powerful significance to this

Thank you

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