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August 2019 Collage Poem - 'Washed Out to Sea'

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Hypnotic Methodist Tingling

A sea of souls awaiting slaughter for freedom


Mermaid, just say no


On a darksome day we skipped to death

Marked by a felt-tipped pen


There is sadness, but not without hope


Samuel Bamford is protesting

In Hong Kong

Filming on his smart phone, filming,

Sharing, filming, sharing. Hoping it

Won’t be edited out, won’t be his last call


No connection e-mail sent

Lost at sea

Cut to the bone – poetry


The water

Poignant weeps for its fullest form

On the day of discovery of father’s secret wife


Do mermaids like cake?

Or do they like playing jazz music

With a heavy metal guitarist?


You can set it out to sea but it won’t go away


Men like matchsticks burn easily

Swan Vesta announce their new slogan!


Weep for dead children

Across the globe, across the centuries

Many different voices merge into one

Poignant echo.




August collage poemPeterlooSeaStockport Write Out LoudWashed out to Sea

◄ July 2019 Collage Poem: It’s All Greek to Me

September 2019 Collage Poem: Out of Line ►


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dorinda macdowell

Thu 15th Aug 2019 12:19

What an amazing collage poem: I can see I missed an excellent meeting!

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Nigel Astell

Wed 14th Aug 2019 16:41

All aboard this poetry ship
we have named her Madness
S.O.S e-mails are sent
as you read on
please join us drowning
all lost at sea.

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