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Not all tornadoes

      rip and ravage wide swaths

      across grasslands, the flat prairies

      nor deep into the wet pungent air

      of old plantation country.

      No! No Joplin nor Tuscaloosa, here.

                       These drop


                         from the


                          skies of

                          my mind,

                          dip down


                          here and

                         there and 

                          lay waste

                           to all I



                           for my





      those sturdy structures, carefully placed,

      laboriously raised across the landscape of my soul—

      my sanctuaries, my havens—

      the places where I go to know

      the peace of self acceptance.

      Gone now!


And when those turbulent skies have cleared,

      I stand amidst the rain and rubble

      and I look up and I find distant points of light

      that tell me where I am

      and I know, then,

      I will build again

      a place for myself.


- Bill Denham










rebuildpainturmoilLoss of hopeHopes

◄ Pig on trial

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Fernwood Press

Sat 27th Apr 2019 16:04

I'm so glad that this could hit you that way.

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