The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Blue On Blue Contact

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Blue On Blue Contact


This blue on blue contact

is really rather fun.

Amber shoots at Boris

with her metaphoric gun,

Michael snipes at Dominic,

Andrea shoots from the hip

And Jacob assaults everyone

with his stiff upper lip.


This blue on blue contact

puts them under friendly fire -

the egotist, the pessimist

the naysayer and liar.

They all have an opinion,

they all come under flak,

they all walk around

with knives stuck in their back.


This blue on blue contact

is full of revenge stories,

with colleague shooting colleague -

a turkey shoot of Tories.

Some of them want in,

and some of them want out,

and some of them just want to fight

and rant and scream and shout.


This blue on blue contact

is getting rather dull.

They all assassinate each other -

they all survive the cull.

They put the country at risk

to settle an old score.

It’s blue on blue contact -

a most uncivil war.


chaosday 8hostilitymessNaPoWriMo 2019politicsphrase used in a professiontory government

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<Deleted User> (21487)

Mon 8th Apr 2019 17:28

Some of them want in
and some of them want out
they do the Hokey Cokey
and then they scream and shout.

sorry, it just slipped out.

Next time I watch PMQs. I will think about this poem, it puts it all into perspective.
I love the graphic - i love the poem

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Martin Elder

Mon 8th Apr 2019 15:13

Beautifully written as usual Ian. I think it is all summed up rather well in that last line.
'A most uncivil war'

Nice one mate

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