The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

Not alone

If you should fall down again
And find yourself needing a friend
I will always be here by your side
Please don't shut yourself in and hide
I will hold your hand through the pain
You will beat these demons again
Together we will pull you out
Of the fountains creating doubt
I will stick with you all the while
Hoping to see you yet again smile
You are never on your own
In my arms you have a home
I know how painful it can be
So I'll be there till we can set you free


Mental healthbattlesfriendfriendshelp each other

◄ We wish you a British Summer

The torture of the Heart ►


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HayzTee (Hayley)

Sun 29th Jul 2018 14:45

Thankyou everyone?

Big Sal

Sun 29th Jul 2018 14:02

Last two lines really pull the whole piece together and shine.

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Don Matthews

Sat 28th Jul 2018 01:15

You know my feelings Hayley. Take care ?

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