The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Not for Yesterday. Not for Today

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This month's poem was chosen by Mandy Coe who simple says "I found it and liked it a lot."

Find out more about Constant-Ngozi and his work at

Not for Yesterday. Not for Today

I’d sing you a song
cast you a shield
shielding you from fiery darts
that did yesterday and today
suck up the triumphant zeal of tires.

I’d sing you a song
weave you linen
protecting you from slices of insane sticky rags
their chilly yet charring caresses
that shudder one to crossroads.

I’d sing you a song
culvert, and mend your face of earth
diverting corroding erosions:
fence and roof your roundabout,
puzzling the festering Pests and Predators,
saving you from rot infested weather

Oh! I’d sing you a song
triggering a smile. So you’d smile
like a flower tickled by a new sun. For

In the cauldron of sweet songs, sorrows want their sting.

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