The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Wife and Mother

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Ray Miller chose this month's poem. He says of it, "What I admire about the poem is its restraint and dignity, even the rhymes are spare and unobtrusive.It is a heart rending poem which manages to steer clear of self-pity."

Find out more about Alison and her poetry at

Wife and Mother

I have not eagerly sought a blue line,
gulped down a budding desire for a plus.
I have seen the results of a CAT scan,
and been told the sentence is death.

I have not embraced a nine month gestation
growing clucky, proud and rotund.
I endured a similar duration of
wiping puke from the mouth of a man.

I have not watched a baby come into this world
screaming then start his first wail.
I have kissed the lips of a dead man
and inhaled as his last breath failed

Though my dreams don't come to fruition
and my story’s not for publication
In my own life hope still glimmers -
as friends get brighter, the past gets dimmer.



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