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From Friendship to Love

The deepest love does not rest
In just lips or eyes
Or kisses or caress
Carried in gentleness
Across the wind,

But rather an emotion
That hangs on your thoughts
Whether across meadows
Bathed in frozen dew
Or listening to raindrops

Developing slowly over time
Like a detective novel
Opening up in soft layers
Until the meaning stares you
Straight in the face

Across borrowed harbour light
Into beacon led tunnels
Changing sometimes
Completely over night
Without warning

And building the
Deepest relationships
From strands of metaphors
Into complete sentences
Making the other feel complete.



◄ Spoken Label seeking new writers for podcasts

From Friendship to Love (II) ►


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Andy N

Fri 20th Jan 2017 13:12

Thanks Jane. Sorry to hear you've had things on. Regardng this poem - it's wrote straight from the heart this one. Used to write love poems during my last relationship and sadly after that finished - its not happened again for a while. However, this will be the beginning of something new i hope. watch this space (:

but glad you like it xx

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jane wilcock

Thu 19th Jan 2017 21:14

Hi Andy, Ive not blogged for ages - terrible time recently-but now surfacing to read your poetry has gone from strength to strength and this one I love as it is a powerful canvas of emotion.

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Andy N

Mon 16th Jan 2017 19:33

thanks guys. this little one is wrote straight from the heart.

i can be romantic when i want (:

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sunshine sharu

Thu 12th Jan 2017 17:53

Beautiful ?

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 12th Jan 2017 16:00

Really good, Andy. Much enjoyed. The metaphors are very mind-catching and mood-inducing.

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Randall Eckstein

Thu 12th Jan 2017 13:41

Very good. I like the slow build as you reflect on the meaning of love. Good metaphors, too.

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