The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

Come the Revolution

Come the revolution

there’ll be bullet holes in the wall

and stains of brains that mattered

but didn't matter to us all


We’ll fly our flags

and burn the rich

and sing our songs

and burn the rich

and right their wrongs

and burn the rich

and take their wealth

and launder it

and to the poor 

might give a bit

but they wont know 

how much of it

we’ll keep for us

well just a bit

for it was us 

that did the shit

that burnt the rich

and got us it

I think for that

we did our bit

if they don’t like

whats done with it

we’ll dig a deeper

burning pit

and like the rich

they’ll eat our shit


So come the revolution

make sure you keep your gun

to turn it on the bastards

who claim your freedom won 



Revolutionpolitical naivetyhistorybloodgreedliarsbastards

◄ Revolting peasants

Two old lovers crossing a street in Beirut ►


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Harry Palmer

Mon 13th Jun 2016 06:57

Thanks Simon, always good to know that someone connects with a piece. Harry.

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Simon Widdop

Sun 12th Jun 2016 21:52

Fantastic piece! I feel Rob has already said what I could say about it, really enjoyed it!

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Harry Palmer

Sun 12th Jun 2016 08:54

Thanks for your comments Robert. Pleased you liked it. Harry

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Robert Mann

Sat 11th Jun 2016 19:55

Harry - I like this piece for a number of reasons. Come the revolution and the rich on funeral pyres the 'revolutionaries' must resist the temptation of hoarding the repatriated gold. If not, they become the despised rich and the revolution becomes a 'merry-go-round'. I like that you have realised this, and the repetition of the line 'Burn the rich' could be seen to emphasise the point - Along with the closing stanza. Nicely written sir!

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