The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

Two old lovers crossing a street in Beirut

In a melee of menacing metal 

two old lovers hobble 

tentative they dance through traffic

he leading her

one hand embracing the other


Decades they have danced 

seen enemies come and go

across these troubled streets

barely looking


Back then 

the metal flew

though not borne by wheels

and how they danced fearless


They reach the pavement

and he kisses her cheek

they smile

and laugh

the traffic moves on


They the victors.



Enduring love

◄ Come the Revolution


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Harry Palmer

Sun 19th Jun 2016 14:14

Thank you Stu and Ray, I feel ridiculously triumphant! cheers. Harry.

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Stu Buck

Sun 19th Jun 2016 13:36

really enjoyed this. lovely snapshot

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Sun 19th Jun 2016 13:13

This has a blend of the ridiculous and victorious and is a minor triumph Harry.

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Lynn Dye

Sun 19th Jun 2016 11:40

Like it! Good one, Harry.

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Harry Palmer

Sun 19th Jun 2016 11:29

Thank you Tommy. Harry.

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 19th Jun 2016 00:31

Bloody Beirut. great snap-shot Harry. Tommy

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