The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

Stockport WoL Collage Poem: Shades

entry picture


Shades of wooden nowheres lead to light

Have you got a light

I need light


Instead of six lagers for breakfast

I had a piece of toast


Blood, hope, words can bring peace


In transition a panting breath

birth, life, death - always struggle, always joy

and always always words


Overrated Morrissey sprawls 

on sun-splashed lawns

weaving goodbye laced in

lashes of Belloc and Nash


Oh! For a gentle tone

Much like a sparkling waterfall - 

fragrant, sweet flowers as confetti.



ShadesStockport collage poem

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Nigel Astell

Thu 15th Oct 2015 15:27

Write Out Words

Collage cascade of confetti
Sparkling words weaves light
Sun-splashed gentle tones
Shades no longer hidden.

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Andy N

Wed 14th Oct 2015 12:44

sums up a really good night this guys everytime.

great idea and enjoyed reading it as always

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Martin Elder

Tue 13th Oct 2015 18:47

I totally agree John WOW!

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Martin Elder

Tue 13th Oct 2015 18:47

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John F Keane

Mon 12th Oct 2015 22:58


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