The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

When Obama goes to bed

When Obama goes to bed,
Before he rests his weary head,
Does he say a prayer for those,
His unmanned drones left comatose?

Does he shed a single tear,
As Palestinians live in fear?
Does he hear their cries and still,
Think collateral damage, is a necessary ill?

Does he talk to God, on sleepless nights,
They discuss Islamic rebels by candlelight.
Which freedom fighters to arm and pay,
And which ones go to Guantanamo Bay.

Does God play Hutch, to his Starkey?
Tell him not to worry, about Benghazi,
Just concentrate, on creating private prisons,
And entire social classes, brought up to fill ‘em.

Is he just a face, to sit and smile,
Like the token bankers, they put on trial?
I wonder if he’s been forced down the aisle,
I wonder if he thinks his foreign policy is vile?

When he lies flat like an Afghan drop zone,
Does the presidential seal lie above him like a tombstone?
Does it hurt him, like holes in the ozone,
To see US guns, in kids hands, in combat zones?

Somewhere, on his way to power,
Did a Bilderberg convent conspire?
From ideals, were cancerous tumors born,
Like Monsanto mice fed genetically modified corn?

Or was he born for this sport,
The Usain Bolt, of lying in court?
Does a crumbling world mean nothing to him,
As he sits on an empire, burning within.

And this light, could be shone, on David Cameron,
European leaders, pick any single one.
Moral questions may seem unfair like masons,
But misuse of patriotism, leads to accusations!

When the people that lead us,
Can barely be called leaders,
Cooperate empire feeds us,
Let’s liberate from the leeches that lead us!


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<Deleted User> (9882)

Sun 19th May 2013 11:20

yep,agree with P&S comments(respectfully)x

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 18th May 2013 17:51

very much enjoyed,with one exception-
the last stanza needed a tad more work IOHO.xx

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