The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Trade Name

entry picture

The Trade Name.


When the green fairy

kisses my lips

with sweet anise,

I take the grand wormwood path

just for jolly, wouldn’t you?



to mask her breath

of juniper.

A road

to mothers ruin.


The gas-lit fog

cloaks the backstreet

opiate dens,

where wretched

addicts lie.


Pastry faced women,

lifting skirts

for tuppence –

the price of

an East End flop.


You cannot fix me,

because I am not broken,

just awash on fame.

The absinthe

gives me real fits.


De Rerum Natura

to the thirsty press

who want to wallow

in this red ink




I crouch beneath

The candle light,


On cheap paper.


It is sharp,

and when I get buckled,

it will drip

crimson petals

of my guilt.


The pen,

being mightier


the blade.

Dear Boss………

hoaxwriteranonymousjack the ripperabsintheginmurder

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<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 12th Mar 2013 11:35

Nothing less than excellent!

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