The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Schoolboy From Nineteen sixty-eight

I'm just a schoolboy from nineteen sixty-eight

Moving through life at an incredible rate


I’m getting older on the outside every day

But on the inside I’ve not aged a single day


I like to have a few beers down at my local bar

But every time the barmaid smiles in my direction


I realise I’m just a grown up schoolboy

Who’s sadly lacking in articulation.


My back hurts when I get out of bed

Shouldn’t this be happening to someone else instead?


I wish I could run and wasn’t so overweight

Unlike that schoolboy from nineteen sixty-eight.


I used to swim and run and ride my bike fast

But that kind of thing’s all in the past


Bobby Kennedy and Apollo eight

Are the things I remember from sixty-eight


Bike rides, tree swings and secret dens

All seen from a distance with a telephoto lens


Some of the things I couldn’t see came in due course

Mortgages, work, and stuff like divorce


I’ve answered the questions and I’m resigned to my fate

That of me and the schoolboy from nineteen sixty-eight


I’m getting older on the outside every day

But on the inside I’ve not aged a single day


I’m still a schoolboy from nineteen sixty eight

Moving through life at an incredible rate




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Steve Higgins

Sat 6th Oct 2012 18:15

Its strange to have a thought, and think that thought or idea is exclusive to you, then write a poem about it and find other people relate to that that thought too, so maybe that thought isn't so strange after all . . .
Thanks Roy, I've seen the light and changed the opening stanzas.

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Roy Chetham

Fri 5th Oct 2012 23:01

Very good, I can identify very closely with this.
I agree with M.C.Newberry about reversing the opening two stanzas.

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Tue 2nd Oct 2012 15:30

Well done,a pleasing and clever leap into the past.

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Steve Higgins

Tue 2nd Oct 2012 14:34

Tree swings are tricky things Tony . .

tony sheridan

Mon 1st Oct 2012 19:30

I remember those days. Tree swings!! Did a wrong launch one day. Tree gave me a big lump on my head!! That is how we found out about danger. Take care, Tony.

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Steve Higgins

Mon 1st Oct 2012 18:07

Thanks for your comments. See what you mean about the opening 2 stanzas. I've had this poem on my laptop and notebook for a long while and its gone through so many edits I was sort of feeling 'had enough of that' when I stuck it one the website after a burst of inspiration thst updsted the middle section.
Think I will add the change you suggested. leave it with me!

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 1st Oct 2012 16:24

I like this - even if I would have to admit to being "a schoolboy from nineteen fifty eight"! There's a pleasing "been there, done it" feel throughout that captures what it's like to discover how the mind stays young when the body tells you otherwise. I particularly like the virtual repeat of the two lines to end the poem and cordially suggest that the opening two stanzas should be reversed so that the almost identical lines mentioned both open and close the poem.

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