The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.


To dance beneath the diamond sky

With one hand waving free

A time to live, a time to die

A ship called dignity


Acknowledgements for reproduction without permission as follows:

Bob Dylan for lines 1 & 2 (from 'Mr Tambourine Man').

The book of Ecclesiastes and latterly Pete Seeger  in the song 'Turn, Turn, Turn'

for line 3 ( I changed a verb)

Ricky Ross of the band Deacon Blue for line 4 from the song 'Dignity.'


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Ann Foxglove

Thu 4th Nov 2010 18:05

Sounds lovely, wherever it came from! And I agree with Graham, it would be a good challenging idea for a comp - or would we be infringing copyright?

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 4th Nov 2010 09:49

This is a great idea Dave. Perhaps you should propose it as the next WOL competition. A four line poem with each line being stolen from a well known book or piece of music. Full acknowledgements being provided of course. I'd certainly have a go if it happened.

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Ray Miller

Thu 4th Nov 2010 09:06

Not so much a found poem as stolen?

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Wed 3rd Nov 2010 22:08

All in all a hotch potch of poachings but I like it!
What is the other hand doing Dave? I'm just curious following Alvin's recent revelations. Maybe the ship is a metaphor - an ironic one.
You've missed the deadline for the Freedom thing so I'm expecting a disqualification. Haven't you heard there is a new sheriff in town - and he's real mean!

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