The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Haiku Competition 2010

entry picture

At With Words, they believe in acting locally and thinking globally, so half of any profits from this competition will go towards literacy work with children in developing countries, and half will go to supporting With Words literacy projects in the UK.


1st Prize: £200

2nd Prize: £50

There will also be Highly Commended and Commended categories.

The winning poems will be published on the website. Highly Commended authors will also be invited to have their haiku published on the With Words website or choose to retain them for other competitions.


For the purposes of this competition haiku should consist of three lines but may have any syllable count. For examples of contemporary haiku please click here to find out more.


Entries will be processed by a With Words administrator and judged anonymously by Japan Times award-winning poet Alan Summers.

Who can enter?

Entry is open to anyone except With Words appointees involved in the administration and judging of the competition.

Entries must be your own work in English and you must be the sole copyright owner of the work. In future years, it may be possible to open up the competition to other languages.

Entry Fees:

£2 for one haiku, £5 for 3 haikus and £10 for 10 haikus

Full details:


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