The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ballot Box

With our hearty supermarket habits

And ways of democratic self-deceit,

We dodge the bullets to the ballot box,

Accepting our predictable defeat.


Brought up on true sportsmanship’s traditions,

We learn to take reverses on the chin.

We fight our corner and we know our rights;

We also know that we can never win.


In the eyes of those who hold the reins now,

There is no room for argument or doubt.

Their world consists of straight and brightened lines;

Our fuzzy logic stretches too far out!


◄ Draft Dodger

The Old Smoothie ►


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Stephen Gospage

Mon 6th May 2024 06:57

Thank you, MC. And thanks to Tom, Hugh, Blackrose, Stephen and Aisha for the likes.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 5th May 2024 18:36

There is a reality here about the quality of those putting themselves forward for public office. There is a definite concern that we are not seeing the best seeking employment in public service.

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 4th May 2024 09:22

Thank you for all your comments, David, Graham, Keith and RG.
The background to this poem is the tendency for 'strongmen' to use nominally free elections for their own legitimacy, having skewed the playing field in their favour in advance by, for example, censoring the media, banning NGOs and excluding opposition candidates.

Personally, I feel that, for all its problems, democracy is still fairly robust in most of Europe. Different electoral systems (PR, first past the post) can still produce good government. In the end, it depends upon the quality of the people who are involved in politics and in this regard the rise in physical threats and abuse towards elected representatives is a serious problem.

So I hope that the bullets in line 3 will remain metaphorical, Graham!

Thank you for all your comments and thanks for the likes, Bethany, Holden and Manish.

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Reggie's Ghost

Fri 3rd May 2024 22:38

The comment about ejecting half-wits supports what I always say, that we don't vote people in, we vote them out.

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David RL Moore

Fri 3rd May 2024 12:40

I would prefer an enlightened despot to PR, the problem would be longevity and a complete lack of stability.

Years ago I railed against PR, back in the day before our political masters and parties sold out to the Corporates who now have them in their pockets. If anyone feels that we live in a country where things that need to be done are getting done then they are probably aligned to the ruling party or disinterested in fair representation for those living less comfortably than themselves.

Anyway I'll be off to the very wilds of escotia as soon as economically viable.

Congrats on promoting converse Stephen, oh and your poem.


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Graham Sherwood

Fri 3rd May 2024 12:03

I wonder just how far away line 3 is here in the UK.

I am always intrigued how people in general place themselves in a 'tribe' of one colour or the other and more intrigued how quickly they change suit when things do not go the way they believe they should. I suppose democracy was always thus. But god forbid proportional representation ever happens. nothing will ever be agreed then! 2025 will be a good year for the Unions, and of course strikes!

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David RL Moore

Fri 3rd May 2024 09:28


I voted in local council elections yesterday here in England and am happy to say I was succesful in ejecting a few halfwits from their too warm seats.

In the absence of an enlightened despot or proportional representation our current structure of democracy is the best we can hope for. That said, it is not entirely the mechanism that is to blame these days, rather the calibre of the candidate.

Your poem is apt and timely. Here in the UK we are in a terrible mess, it remains to be seen if change can rectify anything enough to improve the lot of many.


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keith jeffries

Fri 3rd May 2024 09:14

Very well said. It is a time, quite unlike any previous election, as people are either confused or entrenched. Thank you for this.

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