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The Fields Of Avalon

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(Part 1)


I remember you saying

Back when we were young

That sometimes you felt

Like a song left unsung


That reality was fake:

Our dreams held the key

And there lay the truth

Of how life should be


You were the princess

And I, the dashing knight

who saved you from the monsters 

And a pit of endless plight


Down to the woods I'd go:

A tree bone for a sword 

And, you would say, politely,

“Good evening, my lord.”


What adventures we did have!

Where Camelot lay in wait

King Arthur on the throne

And, in our hands, his fate!


“Beware!” You would say

“There's wild & feral things!

“And, little nooks where goblins hide 

“And, the dark, old witch sings!”


Hand in hand,we fought them all

Right up to the edge of the river

Where, beyond, lay the fields of Avalon

With such beauty not a dream could deliver 


“One day we'll find a way over,

“And, we’ll live there wild & free!”

“Yes,” I said, squeezing her hand.

“But, now, it's time for tea!”


Those were the days of magic

When sunlight dappled our dreams

But, life can pick them apart 

And, eventually, they fray at the seams


Years later, I awoke one morning 

Realising you were gone

We'd drifted apart on the tides of life

I only hoped you'd discovered your song…


The years drifted by like clouds

Some stormy, some bright, some grey

And often, I'd walk by the woods

Where a knight & a princess would play 


Some days I would barely notice

Others, I'd stare through the trees

Catching  little echoes of magic

And laughter caught in the breeze 


In springtime I took a break in Durham

Found solace in bookshop of old

Sipping coffee & reading some Tennyson 

When a voice lit a spark in my soul


“The Lady of Shalott, if you have it,” it asked

A voice said it was already out

I froze as her footsteps grew closer

My hopeful mind filling with doubt 


Her footsteps then ceased

An anxious breath I released

A finger then circled a verse on the page

I focused upon it, giving it centre stage:


Outside the Isle a shallow boat

Beneath a willow lay afloat…”


I looked up, and years melted away 

I was caught in the princess's magical sway

“We never did look for a willow, my lord.”

“Then perhaps,” I said, smiling

“I need a tree bone for a sword…”


Photo courtesy of shutterstock





◄ Mind Garden

The Fields of Avalon (pt 2 & 3) ►


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Stephen Atkinson

Wed 17th Apr 2024 23:15

Thank you for your delightful comment, Stephen! 😊

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 17th Apr 2024 07:13

A delightful poem, Stephen.

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Stephen Atkinson

Tue 16th Apr 2024 23:06

It was a pleasure to read your comment, Manish! Thank you
And same for you, Tom. Much appreciated.
Part 2 (& 3) get a bit darker. It's a poem borne out of what's been happening lately: cancer, dementia, regret, reminisce, love. I started writing, & The Fields of Avalon is what I ended up with! Anyway glad you liked it. (Part 1 anyway!)
And thanks for the likes, Bethany, Hugh, & Holden. Always appreciated 🌷🌷

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 16th Apr 2024 18:05

This poem is a true masterpiece, it was an absolute pleasure to read it, Stephen A.
Thank you.

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Tom Doolan

Tue 16th Apr 2024 16:11

A haunting and reminiscent piece - Nice work Stephen 👍

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