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If I can take with me

the sounds of flamenco,

the strains of the classical guitar,

a trickle of water

from the Alhambra,

a sultry summer's heat,

a memory of the mesquita

in Cordoba,

one of Lorca's poems,

the wines of Jerez,

a fresh catch of prawns

from Huelva,

the image of the gitano,

miles of olive groves,

a sea of sunflowers,

a glimpse of the Peñon,

the snow capped Sierra Nevadas,

a fusion of Islam, Judaism

and Christianity,

then I shall possess Andalucia.



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Stephen Atkinson

Wed 3rd Apr 2024 22:37

Beautifully conveyed, as always, Keith.
And, like you say, if only...

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Wed 3rd Apr 2024 20:25

You're welcome.

Take care!

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keith jeffries

Wed 3rd Apr 2024 19:41

Thank you to all who expressed 'likes' and also commented on this poem. Andalucia Is a place close to my heart. Second to it and a short distance away is Morocco. These two places are rich in culture, cuisine, music, architecture, dance and a blending of Islamic and Christian coexistence which could well serve as a model in today's troubled world.
Thank you again,

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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 3rd Apr 2024 02:48

A superb poem as always, Keith.
Thank you.

<Deleted User> (35860)

Wed 3rd Apr 2024 01:17

First rate poem Keith, thank you.


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Wed 3rd Apr 2024 00:18

Until that time we crave, and our cravings we turn into poems

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Tue 2nd Apr 2024 22:47

And the bullfights. Do they still have them?

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