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March 2024 Collage Poem: Footnotes in History

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Intense embarrassment, gutted love


The fatal attraction of King George’s ruby letters

proved all too much


The accordion follows the footsteps

of the footnotes of history

up the stairs to the heavy door


Evidence washed ashore, dissonance not delight

and whisperings of the dead

estuary water floods over the road – wet feet walk


I Beech tree is a pedant in the

soil of Styal. Don’t make me the next

Sycamore Gap


Muddle music are but beasts of hate

in the grip of his mace of office my

story ended before it started.


Tens of pigeons decimalised

Hit the loaves to no-one’s surprise



March 2024Collage PoemStockport WoLFootnotes in History

◄ February 2024 Collage Poem: Strange Notes

April 2024 Collage Poem: All Too Much ►


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Nigel Astell

Mon 18th Mar 2024 13:50

Poets attending
Composed creativity
Samples gathered
Poetic formula
Guarantees surprises
Once Collage
Poem completed.

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