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Not my will, but Allah's will

In a world where power lies in Allah's hands

No use in grasping what's beyond our command

For all that's meant to be will come to pass

No force on earth can alter fate's steadfast grasp


No sense in chanting words of darkness, deceit

For Allah's listening, every whisper, every beat

Wasting time on futile, empty things

When destiny's design already sings


No point in mourning what's forever gone

The past is sealed, a chapter done

No magic to conjure back what's gone

Lost souls remain in realms unknown


No need to harm, to curse, to hate

For Allah's protection is ever great

The meek and humble under His watchful gaze

Shielded from harm in countless ways


No use in reopening sealed doors

What's closed by Allah remains forevermore

No force on earth can break those chains

That bind what's meant to stay the same


No point in trying to mend what's torn apart

Love once shattered can't restart

Blessings ignored, now lost in time

No effort can revive what's in decline


No need to hinder the good that's sent your way

Tailored blessings for each individual's play

Accept what's destined, embrace the flow

Let go of control, let Allah's plan unfold


No use in wasting time and energy

On fruitless pursuits, devoid of synergy

Focus on positive, on dreams and desires

Embrace the journey, let your spirit inspire


Explanation of the above poem 


In a world where power lies in Allah's hands, I find solace in knowing that everything that happens, happens for a reason. There's no need to waste time and energy on futile pursuits or dwell on the past, as it cannot be changed. Instead, I focus on cultivating my relationship with Allah, trusting in His divine plan and seeking His guidance in all aspects of my life.


I surround myself with positive energy, uplifting people who share my faith and support me through thick and thin. I strive to be the best version of myself, embodying the virtues taught by Allah, such as kindness, patience, and gratitude. I face adversity with resilience, knowing that it is an opportunity for growth and learning.


When it comes to matters of the heart, I trust in Allah's infinite wisdom and His ability to bring together souls that are meant to be together. If a relationship does not work out, I do not waste my time mourning what could have been, but instead, I learn from the experience and move forward with an open heart.


I am grateful for the blessings in my life, both big and small, and I strive to be a blessing to others as well. I contribute to my community in any way I can, offering my time, resources, and talents to those in need. In doing so, I feel a deep sense of purpose and connection to something greater than myself.


Ultimately, I trust in Allah's plan and have faith that whatever lies ahead is part of His divine design. I embrace the journey, knowing that there will be challenges and obstacles, but also beauty and growth. I let go of control and allow myself to be guided by His infinite wisdom, knowing that He has a plan far greater than anything I could ever imagine for myself.


◄ Doors of destiny

Chitter chatter ►


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Ghazala lari

Tue 20th Feb 2024 23:00

Thank you Keith, Bethany and Carlton

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David RL Moore

Mon 19th Feb 2024 18:25

What is the punishment for an act of apostasy and/or the indulgence of homosexuality?

I am guilty of neither (should guilt be applied) having never embraced the slavery required to fullfil the former condition.

How far does your Gods grace extend?

I am speaking of The Scripture not a modern interpretation of it.

<Deleted User> (35860)

Mon 19th Feb 2024 18:17

Surely Ghazala. the poor deceased victims of the Holocaust must be rolling in their graves about what terrible crimes their countrymen are commiting against thousands of innocent people

Hitleresque without any doubt
thank you for a very well written poem.


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keith jeffries

Mon 19th Feb 2024 14:46

A poem well expressed about the will of God. The words of the Lords Prayer which Christ taught his disciples to say has one line which is of supreme importance. "Thy will be done". These words are of a most sacred significance and I have found great value in them.
Thank you indeed for this poem,

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