The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.



In a moment fleeting, love took its hold,
The foundation was built, strong and bold.
Their glances exchanged, harmony found,
Peace embraced as memories abound.

Within those weeks, a lifetime they lived,
A love foundation no storm could upheave.
Yet they separated, she kept looking afar,
Holding onto hopes of his return like a star.

Years passed by, still she built with care,
Each block a symbol of love laid bare.
With childlike faith, she kept on hoping,
Bricks upon bricks, love forever unfolding.

Emotions and dreams poured into each stone,
A castle of love where their hearts found home.
The only missing piece was the roof above,
To complete their structure and seal their love.

Searching for him in wonderland's embrace,
But the face she encountered held no trace
Of the man she once loved, his anger beneath,
He crushed the castle,  feeling relief.

She tried to douse the flames of his cruel game,
But the blaze grew higher, consuming her shame.
She sacrificed herself to save what was built,
Only ashes remained as her heart silently wilt.

In despair, God pulled her from the wreckage,
Healing her wounds, rebuilding the damage.
He laughed at her pain while dancing around,
As if their love was a bonfire, burn to ground.

Ashes scattered by wind's gentle caress,
His laughter turned sorrowful in distress.
Realizing too late what he had lost and destroyed,
Memories reduced to mere ashes, love devoid.

To salvage their love from ruins left behind,
He collected the ashes with a broken mind.
Brick by brick, reconstructing with tears in his eyes,
Yearning for her return, he whispers heartfelt cries.

She watched from afar, afraid to be burned,
Thinking it a joke for her pain to be spurned.
But tears in his eyes revealed his true heart,
Building a home where their love would restart.

Drawn by the sincerity of his labor's embrace,
She joined him with commitment and grace.
They laid the roof, sealing their love anew,
Windows and doors opened for cherished few.

A home of love, welcoming those they hold dear,
Where pious souls find solace and cheer.
Together they rise, with prayers in their hearts,
Blessed by the eternal love, life imparts.


◄ The wisest knight

Yin and Yang ►


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M.C. Newberry

Sun 21st Jan 2024 16:02

The positivity of love that endures is always welcome here. 👍

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Sun 21st Jan 2024 13:11

This is so incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

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keith jeffries

Sun 21st Jan 2024 09:41

A love poem so well written and with perfect rhyming. In life's journey things often fall apart and with love the damage can be rebuilt and wounds healed. Often a long process but always with hope of a happy ending.
Thank you for this,

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