The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

The wisest knight

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, where iron steeds with claws and teeth roamed,

A knight with suspicion's helm and ravage's cloak adorned.


He rode through meadows pure, tearing apart the lies,

Seeking truth amidst the whispers and disguised guise.


A maiden stigmatized, hidden truths her plight,

He watched her closely, seeking answers through the night.


His heart, though heavy, yearned to believe in her grace,

Against the malicious agenda, he sought solace and space.


With time, they gathered tales, horrors they did unfold,

Too soon, they believed her guilt, their judgment was untold.


But deep within his soul, doubt lingered like a mist,

His analysis unwavering, his love persist.


He feigned exposure, a plan to unveil the truth,

Hoping to find innocence, to defend her in their booth.


Yet, none believed his passion, his love for her so pure,

He hid his emotions, fearing judgment's harsh censure.


On a card of Fluke, they played their treacherous game,

Expecting her downfall, their victory's claim.


Excavating secrets, they sought jubilation's call,

Until relics unearthed, piercing doubts like a wall.


To defend their theories, they stormed her territory,

Seeking to slaughter her image, end her story.


But truth revealed itself, a revelation so grand,

He picked up banners, defending her with heart in hand.


Tearing apart their vile words, he stood tall and bold,

A final warning issued, their slander untold.


No more words of hate, no whispers in the air,

He guarded her reputation with love and care.


Infuriated by their idiocy, he spoke with stern grace,

Admonishing their suspicions, their misguided chase.


Never again would they drill doubts upon others' lives,

Their worth exposed, their reputation in knives.


In their hearts, they knew his trust was lost, forevermore,

Advises and reminders, heeded no more.


Their games, their manipulation, laid bare to all,

Their dirty intentions, their downfall.


His own woeful past, now clear as day,

Wrongful deeds exposed, the truth held sway.


Sorrows and plight crafted to keep him chained,

Controlling his mind, their wrath sustained.


But love in disguise, a helping hand in need,

Awoken him to their deceit, their wicked creed.


His care, his generosity, his love so pure,

Guided him to seek the truth, her honor to secure.


The seeds of kindness sown for others' sake,

Bloom into fruitful plants, a destiny to make.


Never look down on souls in distress or despair,

For in their plight, your own worth finds repair.


He emerged as a ruler, wise and compassionate,

Judgments fair and actions deliberate.


The needy found solace, the oppressed found grace,

His love and generosity, a beacon in every space.


◄ Unity in diversity

Reconstructing ►


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