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karaoke 34

the see-thru states

of liminal infamy

"don't let me down" 

sung in desperate drams

beacons prain

from a street corner


affixed and shorn and 


snaggle toothed:

cleft palates and anaphylaxis 

sanded down by time

into a shape something 

much like mine

(too much)


please see me

but don't look;

a shared hypocrisy 

wrung motes of pulpit spittle fly.

in passing

while pinkies

desperate to overlap


dampen promises in kisses 




much too good to be wasted 

on the fearful;

on misspent youth.

here, in these streets

crowded and lonely

we drowned in truth.


"don't let me down"


karaoketraumamental healthaddictionalcoholcant do it anymore

◄ Skinner box III (12/20/2022)

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