The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Please Remember Me

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For those who sleep from battles lost

And paid, for us, the ultimate cost


For all who came back from war

Forever scarred by what they saw


The lucky ones, 

      so they say

They got to see 

       another day


But their friends who fell

At the toll of death's bell 

Still haunt their dreams

Upon the fields of screams


Where poppies now dwell

as a veil across hell

Where bones still lie

And the lost still cry:


Remember me, please!

Please, remember me!


I, in deepest earth

And, I, in deepest sea


Please, don't forget

Please remember me…


◄ Book out now!... or you could just read them on here lol!

Jeepers creepers ►


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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 13th Nov 2022 12:22

Thank you very much for your comments & constant support John, Stephen, Uilleam, Julie & John C. Always appreciated.
Just had the honour of having our reverend read my poem out as part of the memorial tribute for our village. Which got a brilliant turn out. Lest we forget

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John Coopey

Fri 11th Nov 2022 19:58

One from your top drawer, Stephen.

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julie callaghan

Fri 11th Nov 2022 19:38

A beautiful and powerful write. 🙏

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 11th Nov 2022 16:57

My heart is so full at this time, thinking of the suffering people go through in war...
I'm almost in tears, thinking of the world we are leaving for our children.

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 11th Nov 2022 16:18

A lovely poem for Remembrance Day, Stephen.

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John Botterill

Fri 11th Nov 2022 09:17

Powerful, moving poetry, Stephen. Bravo!

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