The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

I had a dream

I hailed a dream 

One dark night

To find myself 

In a place not right


My choices had 

Been taken away 

By a backward court 

Of the grand old ways!


The old wild west

Still held its sway

They said it was

Their country's way


The right to bear arms

Still had its freedom 

No matter how many

Kids were  bleedin'


And all LGBTQ

Had to watch out too 

Cos these good ol' boys

Were gunnin' for you!


I have a dream

Once, a great man said

But, in the end

They shot him dead


The dream turned sour

In this land of the free

So I hailed me another

'Case they came for me




◄ Shhh

Blossom ►


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Stephen Atkinson

Sat 6th Aug 2022 14:48

Thank you Stephen. America, to me, is, sadly, starting to implode.
And thanks for the likes
Nigel, Keith, Julie, Holden, Frederick, Ghazala, John & K.L 🌈

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 5th Aug 2022 21:10

A clever, beautifully written poem, Stephen.

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