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This Writer is Not a Poet

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I'm a writer not a poet
Sometimes my writing seems like a poem
But that is because I have no control over my self expression
I pour my soul into words
I don't spend time observing the shape they take
Sometimes they might rhyme
Sometimes they might come as stanzas not as paragraphs
But I'm not a poet, I am a writer.

You say but a poet is a writer
I do not dispute that observation
Now comprehend my explanation
A poet is definitely a writer
A writer can be poetic
But a writer is definitely not a poet
I'm a writer not a poet.

I hide behind pen and paper
I write for the reader not the reciter
The reader chooses how my words define her emotions
I do not perform my emotions for the reader to appraise my writing

If the reciter wants to recite my writing
She must read it first
For reading equates understanding 
Reciting equates performance
Performance equates entertainment
The correlation starts with reading not reciting
I write to be read, if my writing is to performed
You must read it first
I'm a writer not a poet



A Moment of Silence, Please! ►


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