The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.


Lift up your voice, let all rejoice

And make a joyful sound

Cast off the care that we must bear

When Christmas comes around


Look to your hearts, that's where love starts,

Where life itself begins

And you shall know that faith will show

Forgiveness for your sins.


Look to His Truth, in age and youth

Salvation shall be found

As One they stand before His Hand

When Chistmas comes around


Stand up and sing, let joy take wing,

Our praises shall resound,

The Word we share is everywhere

When Christmas comes around.


A time of cheer with loved ones near

To banish grief and tears

With peals of laughter ever after

Echoing down the years.


Look to His Truth, in age and youth

Salvation shall be found

As One they stand before His Hand

When Christmas comes around.


Lift up your eyes to seek the skies,

With stars forever crowned

That we might see eternity

When Christmas comes around.


Be grateful for the years before,

The years yet to be,

Each bright new dawn, each new life born

His precious World to see.


Look to His Truth, in age and youth

Salvation shall be found,

As One they stand before His Hand

When Christmas comes around


As One they stand before His Hand

When Christmas comes around..



◄ THOUGHTS AT CHRISTMAS - an annual re-post



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M.C. Newberry

Sat 18th Dec 2021 20:21

Hugh and Holden - thanks for the "likes". Compliments of the
Season to you.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 18th Dec 2021 20:13

Stephen - It's my contribution to the genre of Christmas hymns
= not quite happy-clappy style, but meant to lift the spirits in a
mixture of modern and traditional! Thanks for the comment.

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 18th Dec 2021 16:53

A joyful verse with lovely tight rhyming, MC. Really enjoyed it.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 18th Dec 2021 14:55

Kevin - glad you enjoyed it. Your comments encouraged me to
realise I'd missed a verse in this posting,,,now corrected here. 👍

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 17th Dec 2021 23:04

KT - thanks for the one word very acceptable appreciation.
Ditto your earlier comment about "Thoughts At Christmas!.
JC/SA - M,y PC has problems (or rather I do perhaps) uploading
the musical version this time - but, like "Christmas Snow", it
can be listened to via its listing under "audio" entries on my
WOL profile page. Give it (them?) a try. 😇

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Stephen Atkinson

Fri 17th Dec 2021 19:10

Taut & Joyful M.C. I'm definitely singing from that hymn sheet.
And like John says, where's the audio? My headphones are at the ready 😉

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John Coopey

Fri 17th Dec 2021 17:32

Technically difficult in such a tight form, MC. You capture the spirit of a Christmas hymn wonderfully. Where's the audio, though?

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