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If I cry tonight - don't say you love me,
Show me.
And when you can't show me - 
That's why I cried.
And if you learn to tell me - maybe I won't listen.
I know myself too well.
               Not well enough!

If I cry tonight - put your arms around me.
Say nothing - 
               But don't let me think.
Don't push me near this brink!
I could think so sharp to stab myself.


love's tempestvaginismusdamaging relationships

◄ Cabaret

The She-Whale ►


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Tue 27th Apr 2021 02:00

Thank you for commenting John, ?

The words 'I love you' and 'trust me' always come in gaudy attractive packaging but inside each packet the quality and quantity of contents can vary immensely from what might have been expected. In that way many people must reach a similar place.

Also thank you Nigel for yet another lovely poetic response ?
I'm always honoured when my poetry inspires more poetry.

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Nigel Astell

Tue 27th Apr 2021 00:43

A crying heart
needs a love
gone far far away
when crying does not help
it stabs itself with pain.

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John Coopey

Mon 26th Apr 2021 20:26

Simple, powerful, evocative. Who hasn't been here at some time?

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Mon 26th Apr 2021 13:53

Thank you Ghazala and Julie for commenting ??

That's a charming couplet, Julie. Heartfelt.
But sadly, I didn't lose love of him, I lost love of myself.
That and more, but the poems will tell.

Thanks also to everyone who has clicked 'Like' for this poem ?

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julie callaghan

Mon 26th Apr 2021 11:19

I will not ask of you anything or any of the above
because if I have to ask you, I know I will have lost your love.

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Ghazala lari

Mon 26th Apr 2021 10:21

Meaningful and true. ?

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