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These lines were seen as a comment elsewhere - and duly acknowledged for their relevance in life.

Hard times create strong men,

Strong men create easy times.

Easy times create weak men,

Weak men create hard times,



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John Coopey

Wed 10th Feb 2021 21:43

Never heard the quote, MC. But I like it - both versions.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Wed 10th Feb 2021 17:51

Oh no ?, I'm clearly having an obtuse day where I am causing all kinds of confusion...

I think the original quote from the novel was actually: (Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men, Weak men create hard times,)

But it became a meme (so the internet shows and tells) and so there are a few variants, which you'd probably stumbled onto and I'm happy you posted it because it was very interesting and I'd not seen it before.

The version that I wrote might or might not also exist as a variant out there because someone else might or might not have also made the same alteration... but when I rephrased it into the variant using the word people it was 'my variant' not the original quotation, and I did so because I evaluated the words in my own mind as a philosophical construct and evolved it into something I found to be of variant interest.

Anyway, I really hope I cleared up all possible confusions... lets not forget nobody at WOL wrote the original, so I thought it must surely be fair play and intended for people to contribute opinions or chit chat on the theme?

Absolutely agree with Stephen's comment too, some of the strong people created in hard times would actually make the times even harder, so I suppose the postulation assumes that eventually 'good' will win over 'evil' and the result of the profusion of strength will eventually lead to 'better' times.

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 10th Feb 2021 17:08

Fair point, but it depends what we mean by strong and weak. Many apparently "strong" people turn out to be vain and full of hot air when tested. The assessment always has to be ex-post.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 10th Feb 2021 17:03

By way of explanation: the lines shown were quoted "as seen".
I've no way of knowing their original source so I cannot discuss
that in any way, but the general meaning embodied in the word
"people" seems equally relevant, though, somehow, not quite so "pointed".

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Wed 10th Feb 2021 14:03

Ah Brian you misunderstood my comment and that means I wasn't clear enough. I wasn't suggesting that the original quotation should change, just adding a variant version which says something else.

If I had instead of 'but may I...' said 'but may I add a variant' this would have been clearer, and I didn't do that but I also didn't write 'but may I suggest a change'

<Deleted User> (18980)

Wed 10th Feb 2021 13:56

Good quote MC, which should be left as it was written......not given the PC treatment.

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J.D. Bardo

Wed 10th Feb 2021 13:13

So, (people) Around and around it goes, where it stops, nobody knows.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Wed 10th Feb 2021 12:59

Wow, very astute, but may I....

Hard times create strong people,
Strong people create easy times.
Easy times create weak people,
Weak people create hard times,

Apparently the original quote is by G. Michael Hopf from an apocalyptic novel called 'Those Who Remain' (published 2016)

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