The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

January 2021 College poem: Moments of Sunlight

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Atlas got lost when the wind blew his A-Z into the hurricane.

From caterpillars to butterflies --- hopefully we will all finally
Emerge from Covid's chrysalis-like grip.

Tapping on the door where a poet once lived changing
The meaning from a haiku to a sonnet in seconds
Fire melts her best form on this damp summer day
The three men, lost inside, drinking coffee until the dawn
And the new light follows them home
Revising myths of poems wrote in a different world
When morning comes, imagine crumbs of stars on makeup
As dark as thoughts.

Stockport 0-0 West Ham:  Mike Dean has stopped play,
That’s how big this firework barrage is!

A broken zip and Woolworth's roses
For the weary eyed guide at Burns' fireside
A graze of sadness scraping the knees,
A tumble and fall into the depths
Peace and rumours abound as a snow storm
Whips up inside the mind.



2021January Collage poemMoments of Sunlight

◄ Christmas 2020 Collage Poem: The Other Side of Love

February 2021 College poem: Grazed by Sorrow ►


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Nigel Astell

Wed 13th Jan 2021 13:28

One moment can stand
the test of time
inside this Collage poem
you will find many.

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