The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Bastard

And so the bastard sings........

His cruel deformities an abomination to those who set our standards,
It is a vicious, stinging blade that cuts him down in the street,

And the vermin watch, their cocks in their hands,
As the bastard falls, crying,
The gushing blood flows into the lifeless streets,
Glowing rivers of virility,
Washed into the gutter,

I took her hand, to take her away from the scene,
But she would not go,
So I walked alone into the night,
Taken by the dark vacuum and welcoming the slient escape it brought,

Wishing only to die, I found myself at the corner,
Curled up in a ball, crying,
Making unintelligible remarks to all who passed by,

After a while, I gathered myself again,
Cleared my head of it's sickening absurdities,
Got up, brushed off my pants,
And went to go watch the bastard die



Incessant Ramblings of a a Crazy Man ►


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