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Updated: 3 days ago

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I am 30 living in Illinois. I have a biology and physiology major. I work in healthcare management. I have been through some rough things, but they have made me who I am today; so I am grateful. I use writing and sketching to get through the rough parts and celebrate the good parts. Not sure where life will take me, but I'm just taking it one day at a time gaining a little more strength each day.


It's Been a Year........ The power it has, the power i give it, and how to make it stop Exactly 1 year ago today, I moved back to Jacksonville It has been a year since the suicide attempts, the pills, the tears, the bottom Today should be nothing but positive looking how far ive come Yet here i am looking up adderall and vicodin Such a short time, yet for so long My heart begins to race thinking about the bitter taste And then the mixture of the wine and the pills But the craving is the high The moment where im not diabetic, im not depressed, im not fat, im not a disappointment, im not a mistake, im enough, and i dont give a fuck about anything else He thinks he’s not doing enough if i relapse depression He thinks he’s needs to do more when i struggle with the addictions Today i poured 9 bottles of alcohol down the sink This morning i saw the disappointment in his eyes with a box full of numbness I completed my mental evaluation I answered every question truthfully and now i wish i hadnt I held back but now all the thoughts that were hidden come about All i want right now is to drink All i want is to take that pill that makes me so happy and carefree Why do i feel so much pain The pain and hurt is flooding through every breath i breathe Its overtaking every inch of me Im not ok Not a single inch of me is ok I love to be alone at times its then that i can slide down the wall as the tears fall as well Its then that i can clench my first but let just a little go I can feel the breaking point I can see the cracks

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