The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Sat, 30 Sep 2017 10:48 pm

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I'm a lover not a fighter.


Easter Bonnet, Sonnet Take a bumble bee and bunny rabbit Then introduce them to some woolly sheep, Together as a group they will inhabit A brand new home forever theirs to keep. Pick a bunch of tulips for some beauty A shiny button too for some pizazz, Add a bunch of grapes to make it fruity Perhaps some feathers for some razzmatazz. Ensure a nest made out of shredded paper Is filled with wobble-headed baby chicks, (Do not be tempted by a candle taper For fire and Easter craft work do not mix). By following the guidelines of this sonnet You will create the perfect Easter bonnet.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 23rd Oct 2017 11:32

That is one lovely photo on your bio. I'm hoping it's you. Re: your bio - like it too. I'm actually both, or was. No! Still am.

<Deleted User> (13947)

Tue 7th Jun 2016 21:40

Thanks Helen for liking Music & Lyrics :)

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Vicki Ayers

Sun 8th May 2016 10:53

Thanks Helen for taking the time to read & comment on SeaReams - I'm glad you liked it xx

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Laura Taylor

Wed 4th May 2016 12:48

Thanks chicken! Am ridiculously excited about it haha :D

Ooo you called yourself a southerner!! There's no going back after that you know :p

Thanks so much xx

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 1st May 2016 19:41

thanks for the kind comment on 'sun bleached bones' Helen - a sorry chapter in this countries law and order - I appreciate you taking the time to comment

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Laura Taylor

Wed 13th Apr 2016 09:17

Nah, you SHOULD be proud. I am. I'm also the only person I know from round here who actually went to uni, at the grand old age of 28! Those hard times definitely chisel a stronger human being. You can give up, lie down and die, or get back up again and just keep going.

I would love to meet you at some point. I do have family in Pompey - keep meaning to go down and visit.

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kimafia Jones

Mon 4th Apr 2016 20:41

I loved this helps me view my ideas for writing from a different perspective... Again it's a very lovely and inspiring piece

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Laura Taylor

Mon 4th Apr 2016 12:07

Afternoon H!

Aye, not doing so bad at the moment ta chick :) Yeh, get yourself along to one :)

It's been a bit of a challenging year family-wise but experience is never wasted, eh? :)

You take care now and I look forward to reading much more of your work.

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 30th Jun 2015 21:57

Helen Helen Helen you are showing the signs of an intelligent mind. Be careful now or you may develop a touch of quality of purpose. Hug tightly your ups and downs. At your service, Tommy.

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Laura Taylor

Tue 30th Jun 2015 11:43

Hey that's brilliant :) Sounds like you enjoyed it too :) xx

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 28th Jun 2015 14:35

Hi Helen, I'm pleased that you picked up on 'melancholy'. Tommy

Lynn Hamilton

Wed 24th Jun 2015 13:31

Thanks Helen, much appreciated. Time is a struggle and I do feel guilty that I do not read as much I write on this site. I do intend to rectify this. With that said, I have read some of your work. I do not make comments on peoples technical ability as I have no concept of what is and isn't right.... (I've just google stanza but don't tell anyone ;)). I just write and that's it. So I am not qualified or experienced enough to make sweeping comments on anyone else's work. I either like it or I don't and I like your work very much x

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Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:47

I really like your poems, Helen. I have absolutely not a jot of maternal instinct nor any understanding of being a mother but Wednesday's Child was very strong for me.

(p.s. don't worry I'm not a mother, I'd leave them on the bus)

Lynn Hamilton

Tue 16th Jun 2015 19:20

Hello Helen. Thank you for reading and commenting on 'The 19th Floor'. Your comment took me by complete surprise and brought a tiny watery drop to my eye. x

Travis Brow

Fri 12th Jun 2015 06:48

Hello Helen, i now see my last comment may have been a bit patronising; i aplogise.

You say writing more formal stuff poses problems in terms of performing. I'd say do what you normally do and get the sound of it right, on your own terms. I'd also say audiences, in my limited experience, generally respond well to formal pieces. Judging by your last few posts there seems to be a stronger emphasis on rhythm and rhyme, something i think audiences like, because it helps dispel the sense that poetry is esoteric and mysterious - my own work gives the lie to that idea.

Whatever you're writing, the fact is you are writing and that's the point, i suppose.

It took me thirty years of very intermittent gigging to reach a point where i can work without notes - i wish i'd started sooner.

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Harry O'Neill

Thu 11th Jun 2015 22:50

Why did you start me off on Rondeau`s?

The best examples for giving the feel of the Rondeau form is the `Shadow Poetry` site. Now even I`m begining to get it.

(See what I mean about starting me off?)

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Laura Taylor

Thu 11th Jun 2015 10:04

Great to hear you've been practising 'out loud' - that's the only way anyone will hear you ;D Beware though - I am luring you towards a place that, once tasted, becomes hugely addictive ;)

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Laura Taylor

Fri 5th Jun 2015 11:08

Hiya Helen

Many thanks for your note on my 'medley' :D Haha - eh, it's taken 5 years to get to that point! You should have seen me for the first two years - a quivering nauseous wreck haha ;)

I've only done one gig down south so far and that was at a festie. It's a bit far to travel really and I'm not famous enough to get paid top (or even middle, sometimes bottom) dollar for performing ;) And I'm deffo not organised enough to sort out my own mini tour like a mate of mine just has. But anytime you're up North, gis a shout lass :)

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Greg Freeman

Wed 27th May 2015 23:30

Portsmouth certainly seems to be a very vibrant place for poetry, Helen. I don't think I'm lined up as a guest poet at Guildford, but Maggie did enlist me to perform at a gig at the Rifle Club in Portsmouth in March. And I certainly hope to look in at Tongues & Grooves at some time in the future.

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Greg Freeman

Mon 25th May 2015 21:07

Hi Helen, thanks for your kind words about Maggie's book launch write-up. It was quite an occasion that night, and a privilege to be there. Glad you felt that the words did the job. There was a sense that a whole community was involved, and felt that it had played its part. I'd never been to the Old Square Tower before; it's a wonderful venue. And outside you can watch all the ferries coming in and out. Greg

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Laura Taylor

Wed 20th May 2015 10:54

Morning Helen

Yeh, thought it might be your mum. The best poems are often the hardest to reach, inside of you, because of the pain. It's a beautiful piece.

Re performance - absolutely. One of my favourite poets ever, Steve Smith (who is on here) often performs his sonnets. I wish I could write like you and him but I can't. But yep they can be performed. They won't come out like a big-arsed 'performance' poem and you won't be fannying around on the stage, but they can sound haunting and beautiful. Try reading it out loud in as many different ways as you can muster. Find one that you like. Do it :) And good luck :)

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Robert Mann

Mon 18th May 2015 16:48


I love the imagery in 'Beneath the Clouds' set up by very clever and thoughtful use of rhythm and rhyme. One of the best I've read for a while.

Keep up the great work.


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Michael Lankford

Mon 4th May 2015 11:53

I really like the organic flow to your writing. I love the metaphors and imagery you call to mind. Very engaging. As I read, you poem forced me to stop and consider a few lines like:

"About love and loss
And loves lost behind a veil of disillusion
A wall of secrets and confusion. "


"Do you undress me with your pleading eyes
Not for gratification, but for validation"

I loved stopping to consider your words and the poet who wrote them as I read this poem. Thank you for sharing! :)

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