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The Specialist

You didn't argue with him

Registrars quailed and more than one

Seasoned sister had fled in tears while

He was loaded, a

Private practice financing

Mansion, country cottage, horses, boat

All the trappings

A pretty if fading wife who'd put up

With a lot.

He was in his prime.

Then that bloody virus hit and he was

King no more

Elective surgery on hold

The normal ...

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specialistsurgeryintensive carelockdownoximeteroxygenICU

Taking Stock

Lock-down's the best thing that

Ever happened to me.

No more mad commutes or

Pen-pushing, watching the clock

Among people I hate.

Out of the

Mindless hurly-burly with its

Endless fugues of anxiety I'm free

To take stock and

Think about my life


The humdrum marriage

Malevolent in-laws

A defunct love-life

Three ungrateful kids

The money I squandered


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taking stocklock-downoximeterdeath

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