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Stephen Atkinson on My Poetic Soul
15 hours ago

Story of my month (30)

As I write this poem, the final of the month
Reading back at venture and discovering self
Knowing the blended life that is shown on the shelf
Little telling stories about my living front

Being sexual being, and being prideful mom
A hard working lady to a caring partner
All facets that displays my fragile ground marker
Towards a smiling face from hectic to the calm

I hope you enjoyed ri...

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Month story

Story of my month (29)

Hearing the news of death of a beloved colleague
As he still had wife and a young family
To my tremendous shock and falling gravelly
That his life was cut short by a sudden fatigue

At fifty-three years young, with a smiling decor
Living life to fullest with a generous heart
Wanting to bring the peace to everyone's part
As he was struck in sleep by illness that deplore

May his soul rest...

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Month story

Story of my month (28)

Dressing up in long dress for a five-star dinner
Just my husband and I for a quiet evening
As we're stuck in traffic, and losing our seating
Going from bad to worse, deciding for sinner

Heading to sleazy part into a cozy bar
Ordering a pitcher, and some greasy burgers
Laughing at this ordeal, to lighten the borders
To play a game of pool, for winner decides scar

As my husband is shark,...

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Month story

Story of my month (27)

Sending a sexy text to flirt with an old friend
As wetness desires a quickie for my lunch
Knowing proximity for a creaminess munch
For this quick stress relief of pressure cooker trend

As he responds with yes, and I flood my undies
Still waiting two hours to be filled with goodies
Now having crooked smile during my field studies
As the time just slows down, my thoughts turn to woodies


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Month story

Story of my month (26)

Needing to please husband as partner in camping
Needless to say the truth as he knows I hate it
But sometimes you grind teeth and oblige to submit
As the company's fool as I won't fake cramping

Getting to the campsite and unloading the car
Helping setting up tent, and my amenities
An air mattress to sleep, for my back equities
But the case of cold beer will go for pleasing far

The camp...

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Month story

Story of my month (25)

Feeling adventurous for my holiday lunch
I wear little black dress that accentuate curves
As I remove my coat as glazing eyes get serves
Quickly getting offered a tasteful fruity punch

Grooving to the music in the men's company
Center of attraction as each want private dance
Feeling a bit woozy, as gentleman advance
To take me to a booth, to rest in custody

As he offers a drink, I get ...

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Month story

Story of my month (24)

Jamming the door on hand to a tearful action
As the swelling covers, and the pain gets intense
My ring finger gets blue and I become more tense
As I butter it up for a better traction

The ring doesn't slide down and is stuck on finger
Telling this to husband as he gets worried look
Looking quickly online for a way to unhook
And tries to force the ring yet it still will linger

Taking me...

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Month story

Story of my month (23)

Singing in the shower to the latest great hit
As a partner looks on in pure lustful event
So I give him a show to get hardened ascent
Pressing breasts on the glass as my sign of misfit

As a second macho walks in to this delight
I sway to radio as I soap my body
Whipping himself to jerk in a prideful shoddy
Pressing ass for outlook as the two are a sight

As I stay in shower, and open my...

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Month story

Story of my month (22)

Inviting a couple for a late night cocktail
As we both clean the house, and discuss our outcome
Letting the mind wander, and desire succumb
To immoral decent as openly detail

They arrive just in time, looking just fabulous
Exchanging our welcomes with a little roaming
Offering them a drink with the wetness foaming
As the pursuit of him, was my ridiculous

As my husband invites the wife ...

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Month story

Story of my month (21)

As I prepare for work, putting my silky dress
Flowing into sunshine, flowing into the day
Enjoying my coffee, for the caffeine bouquet
To linger from wake-up into newspaper press

Seeing only violence, I turn the pages down
To admire the birds singing their lovely songs
With finesse rendition, forgetting all the wrongs
Now smiling for beauty as I head to the town

With the level of stres...

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Month story

Story of my month (20)

This regular visit to my parent's old place
To pay close attention as their minds wander off
Putting order in pen, for the lingering cough
That old age has brought them to this wrinkled wise face

As I hear old stories about same memories
I keep track in my mind, to track their existence
Wanting for the pursuit of the filling distance
That time is coming short regardless treasuries


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Month story

Story of my month (19)

As I brush hair tonight, all alone in this house
Feeling some jealousy for my husband's hot date
Yet with my own knowledge that I could replicate
With a bottle of wine, girlfriend over to dowse

Chitchatting to nothing but to everything
With a wicked humour, and the laughter abound
Telling me of stories of kids silly background
And that of her husband's handyman failing swing

Drowning m...

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Month story

Story of my month (18)

Heading into traffic for my early meetings
Fighting off the asshole in the trailing grey car
To get the pressure off, avoid traffic afar
And steer in open air, with a finger greetings

Slowly easing rhythm as I get in bubble
Where the thoughts go to dream about the day's makeup
Hoping to avoid fail and the cut from shakeup
Survival of fittest, and I get no trouble

Looking at the moment,...

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Month story

Story of my month (17)

Heading to the market to get some groceries
Not thinking otherwise when a guy talks to me
Saying short pleasantries for my laughter to be
Criss-crossing through the aisles until checkout stories

As he's asking number, with approval rating
We cast ourselves to cars with a waving goodbye
As I see a first text asking for a warm pie
I tell him in thirty at cafe in waiting

Dressing a bit be...

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Month story

Story of my month (16)

Going out for meeting with a fellow colleague
To discuss about sales and the next big contract
Setting up after work for private interact
As he likes his whiskey, to share in this intrigue

I'm in my business skirt, looking pretty and smart
And I arrive to greet with a serious handshake
But he offers a hug which throws a stomach ache
As we prepare to talk to savour money's part

As he st...

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Month story

Story of my month (15)

Cuddling under blanket with my favorite show
Relaxing on the couch with a girlfriend texting
Enjoying the banter of her latest date swing
Into the online realm of the gentle tiptoe

I shrewdly launch challenge to be my husband's wife
While I leave the city for another travel
To be nightly lover, pounding from his gavel
And to share the suppers of this make believe life

As she accepts th...

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Month story

Story of my month (14)

Spreading on hotel bed after exhausting day
The meetings went badly, and my boss was a prick
Needing some home comfort, yet stuck in this lame stick
For any sense of me, the bubble bath might sway

I get in with the foam as high as my cute nose
To settle my spirit and refresh tired skin
Reversing tonight's mood with such a sudden spin
That there's new desire to get out to the shows


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Month story

Story of my month (13)

Taking a hot shower after my yoga class
Distracting all my thoughts to the stretchy young blonde
That was in front of me, with perkiness beyond
Full of life and bright smile with perfect hourglass

My thoughts go deep and wild, imagining her nude
Washing my older back and caressing my breasts
Those subtle cute movements that twinkle my requests
To a flood down below to intense cumming mood


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Month story

Story of my month (12)

Cuddling on the couch with my awesome partner
To settle for the night, after a tiring week
Watching the latest shows and admiring my geek
Being lucky in love, so I decide charmer

Letting him to his show, I get up to our room
Open up my closet to find the right outfit
Reach into top hand drawer for my flimsy lust kit
As I prepare for show, and a reaction boom

I start playing music with ...

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Month story

Story of my month (11)

Sitting in my office, looking over the dates
As schedule sets up for mini holiday
But husband is busy so who to convince sway
Wanting sunny hot spot with some cheaply flat rates

I ask around my girls, to unconvinced answer
Looking at rolodex to a past flame burner
That could share great passion and was a high learner
And he accepted proud as my knightly prancer

Meeting for follow-up as...

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Month story

Story of my month (10)

Making a large supper for the boys and their friend
As the time approaches, putting on my makeup
Dressing conservative, the proper mom backup
Becoming welcomed host to the new girlfriends trend

The first impressions past as she giggles to jokes
As the second arrives with a serious outlook
Melding into one pot for appetizer shook
And a toast to living for the deceptive cloaks

Sitting do...

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Month story

Story of my month (9)

Going as a couple to a swinging showroom
Dressed in sexy skirt with a see-through laced top
Arriving on the scene with group ready to swap
Surveying the landscape, waiting for drinking loom

I start conversation with a lovely mistress
As her partner escaped through to the back darkness
So I lead her dancing with a rhythm sharpness
As we wiggle closer to multitude witness

Kissing her wit...

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Month story

Story of my month (8)

The return trip back home with banging desire
I slip on sexy dress with cozy commando
Being wet to see him, my husband will get show
Wanting him the last day to extinguish fire

The minute I see him, I feel the twinges burn
As I plant a huge kiss, he's surprised at passion
Following my dealing, his hands reach to fashion
As his bright eyes light up to reaction hard turn

Sneaking into ba...

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Month story

Story of my month (7)

Calling for appointment with a knot in shoulder
As the hotel has spa, privileged room service
Setting up the table, feeling a bit nervous
Without any knowledge of the pro's beholder

As a woman steps in, I feel a bit relieved
Welcoming smiling face while warming her cute hands
A younger toned figure as I lower waist bands
To expose my figure past the comfort perceived

She gently glides ...

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Month story

Story of my month (6)

In horrible meeting, my mind drifts far away
To a wonderful time when my boys were younger
On the beach in sunshine, playing till past hunger
As family picnic in vacation leeway

Seeing the Disney mouse, and all the attractions
With the kids excited and bouncing all around
Their faces brimming joy, and running through the ground
As the adults feel young with all this World's actions


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Month story

Story of my month (5)

Having dinner with friend with a secret to tell
She was having affair with a fellow colleague
It used to be for fun but emotions intrigue
Not knowing what to do, I'll give her my best spell

Talk real with your husband about your future plans
Knowing if you unite or dividing the paths
Maybe try open way for each multiple baths
Instead of hiding it, upfront marital hands

She's receptive ...

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Month story

Story of my month (4)

Arriving at hotel and calling my husband
Telling him of the tale of my airplane takeoff
Sitting beside beauty, and flirting leading off
Slowly touching her hand for coverup loving

This red-eye trip dragging, as I head to bathroom
With her following me, sneaking in as a spy
Kissing passionately, while unhooking my sigh
Releasing tenderness and flooding my own womb

With her kneeling plea...

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Month story

Story of my month (3)

Preparing for my trip to meet my new clients
Talking to my husband about his own work day
Lending a helpful ear for relaxation stay
To appease decisions of the pressure giants

Giving him a great hug, and to follow his mind
Leadership is within and never second guess
I know of his great skills even under bad stress
So my support to him is to power remind

Finishing up packing, and headin...

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Month story

Story of my month (2)

Sitting in the hot tub with my husband's best friend
Enjoying a chilled wine while waiting for the third
Working late as always till tired eyes get blurred
So I enjoy this date to avoid lonely trend

He's massaging my feet and petting me forward
Turning me into melt, approaching for a kiss
Puckering up to meet with passion reminisce
Taking off bikini to freedom of onward

Stepping into t...

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Month story

Story of my month (1)

I'm an open woman, coupled with a partner
With travelling career, all across the country
And you'll hear of my tales in this series entry
From head-scratching meetings to long lusting barter

I have two older kids living in the city
A passion for running, and loving hot yoga
Going out on hot nights in little white toga
To please my own husband or a group committee

I have a drive for lif...

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Month story

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