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Words can unite

Words can unite

Monday,31st May 2021


If a sword can kill innocent

the words can heal and present

the actual power they hold

and tell the entire world


if the swinging sword can flash in your eyes

the metaphors and words can try

their utmost to create an influence

and bounce in your mind


words are the best instrument

for any movement

to create an im...

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Your domain

 Your domain

Monday,31st May 2021


Never trust other people

and entrust

for any job

they shall rob you of peace


it is your domain

and must remain

with you as god gift

so make no shift in your thoughts


people may try

to undermine your position and ask why?

you did this and that

they shall try to beget


it is your life to be spent

and th...

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Live in today

Live in today

Monday, May 31, 2021

5:02 PM


If past is a reminder

today is pathfinder

time can't be reminded

only memories can be remembered


past has remained a history

whether you have picked from it already

it is for you to bury

or carry till the last


if the past is to be taken into an account

and can be mounted

to improve upon today

there ...

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Each time

Each time

Monday,31st May 2021


Each time I see

my eyes get not free

your appearance provokes me often

still, I find you in my domain


not that I disregard

with the words

but I remember

each time your presence is felt here


your magic spell

tells me clearly

I love dearly you

and I miss you miserably


I can't close my eyes

and try to see


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No child's game-Poetry


No child's game-Poetry

Sunday,30th May 2021


Nothing is sought

but it is brought

from the serene soul

when poetry responds to the call


how does poetry occupy the mind?

and find

an easy flow

to go far places


it is a powerful medium

to be used with wisdom

error occurrences are seldom

as the mind has full freedom


words flow with full l...

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Feel it from within


Feel it within

Sunday,30th May 2021


Not possible

without struggle

feel pure and serene

and write divine


if the heart is impure

make it sure

it beats with the divine rhythm

and beams the wisdom


each word has meaning

with true defining character

no guilt feeling or error

it is a total commitment to the creator


when the pen is lifted ...

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Life like flowers

Life like flowers

Sunday,30th May 2021


Flowers blossom

filled with fragrance in the room

nostrils smell scent

the beautiful message is sent


even though a brief stay

next day to go away

only a faded memory

with all the time to feel sorry


life is like flowers

we are all strangers

life is eventual with a bad and good start

yet it is called a human...

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Way to appreciate-certificate

Way to appreciate-Certificate

Sunday,30th May 2021


What a way to appreciate

and relate

the admiration of poem

for the work of the entire team


even dead arise from the grave!

when appreciated the way they behaved

here it is live spirit

it is shown and publically greeted


it is one of the rousing welcome

and come

at an appropriate time

and serves ...

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Inner soul speaks


Inner soul speaks

Saturday,29th May 2021


let your inner soul speak

and make you not weak

but surge ahead in the void

and avoid unnecessary ventures


this is expected

from a well-reputed person

who has a valid reason to forward

and air a positive word


what comes to his help?

it is only inner-self

that guides his conscience

and raised the le ...

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Undisputed faith

 Undisputable faith

Saturday,29th May 2021








Undisputable theory

no one can understand the role of an almighty

the simple fact is fed right from your birth

"birth and death" is a function of the creator


so wherever you are born

the mind turned or tuned

to the fact of universal truth

that God is ...

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Near perfection

Near perfection

Saturday,29th May 2021


Nobody can make you perfect

until you reform and act

this is reality or fact

you can improve upon to be a perfect


experience makes you stubborn

the new soul is born

that makes you in a position to turn

the tide and return to glory


no one shall make you feel

but only at your will

it is still not certain

so ...

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Not with naked eyes

Not with naked eyes

Saturday,29th May 2021


love can't be read with naked eyes

it fails you on each try

you may feel shy

and ask often why?


love can't be fake

it is like sweet cake

the person who gets it

enjoys and greets


the person who falls in love

believes it is fake

but there is take

no one can afford to have a retake


love may be for...

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Nature-mother earth

 Nature-Mother earth

Friday,28th May 2021


How can I forget

and let the things happen!

much to your disliking

such an evil idea is never striking my mind


mother brought me on this lovely earth

father nurtured me with the faith

the neighbours gave me enough love

I believe everybody contributed a lot


but you were above all

my eyes got pleased with your ...

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Love never betrays

Love never betrays

Friday,28th May 2021


You made me weep

and kept with sadness

the smile failed to find an access

there was always gloom on the face


love never betrays

but stays

with the sweet memory

never makes you feel sorry


it is one of the finest things

that brings joy

and makes life happy with an enjoyment

it is really a memorable moment


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I stand for integrity

I stand for Integrity

riday,28th May 2021


Do this or do that

uncertainty shall seal the fate

never remain out of date

else you shall be thrown out of the gate


the most troublesome word is "I"

it says "eye for an eye"

very much revengeful try

but humankind never feel shy


I stand for self

precious entity not to be preserved in shelf

neither the life...

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Fear & Failure

 Fear & Failure

Friday,28th May 2021



try not to breed

and bleed

for no need


what have you read?

and falling dead

face it bravely here

as it is a need of an hour



not to worry in future

even not today

let it come in and stay


life has to be bold

history has to be rewritten and told

who else shall get failure

if he is ...

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Justify your existence


Justify your existence

Thursday,27th May 2021



it is exactly the opposite to the patience

it makes you tense

forces you to believe in rage sentence


if it happens so,

you go by the proverbial saying

and laying the foundation

mental peace is brewing with hate's relation


whatever be the cause

just pause for a while 

think over

and ...

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No glorification

Thursday, May 27, 2021

8:03 AM

No glorification

Thursday,27th May 2021


No glorification

no sign

simply a recognition

for providing an inspiration


your picture must glorify the contents

not necessarily you present

yourself first

and contents come next


it is not the person

but the creation

and presentation

regarding the human relation



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The expectations

The expectations

Thursday,27th May 2021


The expectation is a child

from an evil mother that finds

a readymade platform

to remain always in the hungry form


the expectations are good

if the hard labour is well understood

and thrown with complete weight

the expectation of an excellent result is right


daydreaming can't bring in the expected result

it wil...

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Unwanted struggle

  Unwanted struggle

Thursday,27th May 2021


Poor or rich

both have reached

a point of no return

the disease of pandemic nature has turned cruel


let us not look at the outcome

it was never a welcome

but we have asked for the result

nature has felt insulted


for years, we have acted irresponsibly

brought in the unwanted struggle

tried to imbalance nat...

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No lip service

No lip's service

Thursday,27th May 2021


No lip's service

but self promise

with the situation

and stop deterioration


freedom without responsibility

liberty without respectability

in absence of mutual understanding

there shall always be unending problems


we speak nicely

we, poets, have failed miserably

we talk with sweet coated words

and show fal...

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No illusion

No illusion,

Wednesday,26th May 2021


Why should there remain any illusion?

when life has no confusion!

there is no compulsion

but it has to be an only dedication


do we not know?

and grow

with the challenging task

that starts from the childhood


let there be no doubt

when we talk about

the real lead role

and respond to the call


the other ...

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The woman-glory

The woman-Glory

Wednesday,26th May 2021


The woman itself is the glory 

she has nothing to feel sorry

but to carry the responsibility

and reflect it as pure divinity


the symbol of sacrifice

she has a lot more to offer promises

to entire humankind

and find herself in the central position


she has a lot more to say

and find the way

to adjust with the ...

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Friendly response

Friendly response

Wednesday,26th May 2021


It totally mesmerized me

and obliged

that you had such a wonderful charm

with no intention to harm


what was so attractive?

you nicely behaved

with poetical fragrance

it was a real chance


I couldn't move off the eyes

and also didn't try

to draw your attention

I acknowledged your presence with an apt rete...

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Naked truth

Naked truth

Wednesday,26th May 2021


who can hear?

and bear

the anguish and agony

inflicted by many


we dislike truth

and like to crush the tongue under the tooth

we shall love sweet words

but forget about an edge of the sword


truth is like fire

no one would admire

or appreciate openly

as it criticizes publically


no one shall have guts


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I know about you

I know about you

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

8:33 PM


I know you from head to toe

and go

by the earnest desire

and admire too


you are as close as possible

like normal loving people

you are an exception

so long as the relationship is concerned


I know your happiness

and a smile on the face

I knew about your pain

and remained worried with concern



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No tears for past

No tears for past

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

8:56 PM


Shed no tears

over the past years

fear not today

but stay with hope for tomorrow


time won't stop

you may reach the top

after the hard struggle

and maybe known among successful people


why should we worry?

and carry

the burden of unseen tomorrow

but allow the present to progress


what is g...

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O people



Tuesday,25th May 2021


O, People of this holy land

bring in an end of

behavioral pattern

that is causing concern


not all the humans

but some of them acting as inhuman

destroying not only social pattern

but dehumanizing and turning cruel


they have not only destroyed forestry

but spared no greenery

habitat for animals and birds


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Leaf falling

Leaf falling

Tuesday,25th May 2021


You are a simple green leaf?

who has to stay brief

without getting relief

from the chief artisan?


never bother mind

and try to find

an answer to satisfy the ego

that shall always go by natural law


intelligent people always raise the question

but forget to mention

they are simple clay man

and helpless human


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Not for tomorrow

Not for tomorrow

Monday,24th May 2021


I can't leave everything

for tomorrow to bring

a welcome change

while passing of an age


today's struggle may end

and send a positive signal

it is a duty of every individual

to work hard for the cheerful news


many people might perish

but struggle may not finish

it shall go on

after so much damage has been do...

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Feel His presence

 Feel His presence

Monday,24th May 2021


Only owe your existence

and feel no tense

there is a proverbial sentence

"God is spirit and essence"


a pure and ordinary soul

shall never give a call

for bodily appearance

but feel his presence


just feel there is someone

who takes care of everyone!

feeds the entire universe

and bears himself the curse


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Unlucky are those

 Unlucky are those

Monday,24th May 2021


I love you watching

and touching

my emotions

with sentimental relation


you riding on the crest of waves

and behave

as if trying to catch my fancy

I shout at and miss you nearly


you are rushing at

and trying to catch

my attention

with so much affection


I dearly miss each moment

that presents


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I love you

I love you

Monday,24th May 2021


Three words

to make me feel the other side of the sword

people say it can cut both ways

but I say "I love you"


does that not matter?

if I use words here

will you give a second thought?

for not getting me caught on the wrong side!


will you still remain adamant

and not present truly

to my wishes

and finish with "No...

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Poets & inspirator


Sunday,23rd May 2021


Poets are neither from moon land

nor from the end of the universe

they are earthly people

who serve well to people and society as well 


words come from nowhere

and appear

in the form of verse

whether be it joy or curse


normally poets in general

remain quiet

but present

the quite different


poets not...

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Death& poet

 Death & poet

Sunday,23rd May 2021


If death is only the threat

I shall love to greet

embrace lovingly and face

its cruel trace


why should I stop writing?

if there is infighting

about death and survival

let it be the fate of as an individual


I needn't worry

and carry

the uncertain fate

and be called " the late"


I am poet

who shall nev...

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Heart & mind

 Heart & mind

Sunday,23rd May 2021


No doubt, life is struggle

for all the individuals

there is no other role

then to respond to a positive call


heart and mind should work together

sans fear

there should not be any diversion

it must work in cohesion


if the mind doesn't permit

and not allow to greet

the heart may feel heartless

and the gloom shal...

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With one message

 With one message

Sunday,23rd May 2021


Let us frankly

and admit openly

nature has turned against

to the best interest of humanity


we created temples

we preferred churches

we prayed in mosques

we stood in queues


our mind was running elsewhere

we wanted the people should feel fear

they should bear the pain

and remain concerned


an almighty...

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Saturday,22nd May 2021


Better late than never

peace is the best offer

guns are silenced

ceasefire is promised


let us hope it lasts long

no question, who went wrong?

what was achieved?

the claims on both sides are to be believed


is it not the dangerous signal?

for the world to wait for the arrival

and counter the third world war

even t...

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Peace, we need

 Peace, we need

Saturday,22nd May 2021


We not only appeal

but feel

the necessity

for bringing peace universally


is our soul caged?

have we failed to manage?

is it simply lip word?

O.lord make the people realize


why do we kill innocent?

what is need at present?

will the domains hold together?

if brought by force together!


what is the use...

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Saturday,22nd May 2021


love has no parallel

you must be in a position to tell

and confide her about your plan

and reveal frankly what you want!


you can be poor

but you must earn an honour

in her eyes

then she must be tried


what have except loving trend?

what have you in your possession to send?

are you in a position to give assu...

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Empty pot makes noise

Empty pot makes noise

Friday,21st May 2021


Empty pot makes more noise

a dishonest person makes more promises

speaks louder

and accused everybody here


you should not fall in their trap

they are rumour mongers and tap your weakness

stuff your mind with untruth 

and push you forward to tell it as truth 


make sure before accusing someone

take full care a...

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Life is for

Life is for

Friday,21st May 2021


life is for us to ride

and decide

where the course is to be taken

and where it should be forgotten


no matter

who is rich and poor

love if he is neighbour

in case of any help or need, knock the door


earn no disrepute

but dilute the enmity

keep amity

that is good for everybody


wealth is needed

but hones...

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Silence saddens

Friday,21st May 2021


Whatever may be the reason?

we have failed as human beings

 we have expressed sorrows

and allowed pain to be read


how many souls disappeared?

how many families were rendered orphan?

we were united in approach as a result,

we could reach at some end



yes the silence saddens

the death toll mounts

no one bothe...

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Stick to mission

Stick to mission

Friday,21st May 2021


life is not only beautiful

but purposeful too

life has an angle

you need to struggle


time shall not stick

but give you kick

if you remain a little lazy

the struggle shall always keep you busy


make use of everything

and try to bring

Self- satisfaction

by making some amends in the relation


life teache...

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Suffer not from

Suffer not from

Wednesday,19th May 2021


Die not alone

keep by gone a by gone

neither you are a loner

nor a looser


why do you feel sadness?

why don't you bear smile on the face?

what on earth bothers!

and saddens


keeping the self in isolation

it is a sad plight from the relation

you lose the warmth and passion

and suffer from an obsession



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No miracles

No miracles

Wednesday.19th May 2021


Do believe in hard work

and not expect sweet words

believe in struggle!

and not miracles to happen


it weakens your spirit

expect love when you greet a person

some returns shall come

you only welcome


life has strange behaviour

but you keep mum and not murmur

it shall spring a surprise

with lots of promises


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With positive vibes


With positive vibes

Wednesday,19th May 2021



Carry on

with the keen interest shown

never feel overburdened

or saddened


things shall happen

taking you with surprise all of sudden

that should not cause you concern

it was to take place even


take it as an act of God

and the path is chosen by the Lord

have a positive thought with praying...

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So many questions

So many questions

Wednesday,19th May 2021


People exchange words

and look forward

with a curiosity

is it the work of an almighty?


why is it so?

where do our prayers go?

is he not listening to?

the pain we are passing through!


so many questions

but no answers

people say" curse is falling"

He is calling us back


for normal deaths

we were...

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The world sides with

The world sides with

Tuesday,18th May 2021

If you show courage

the world shall acknowledge

try to toe your line

and define the future role

if you shed tears

no one shall come forward and try to share

the world is only with the brave

and not with the cowards who behave irresponsibly

if you can force the world

to rewrite the history untold

you shall be called a su...

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So much to learn

So much to learn

Tuesday,18th May 2021


Many things to learn

and to turn

the odd in favour

and lead peacefully with an honour


what is the value of living a life?

no one is expecting torn strife

life goes on

with unfamiliar situation arisen


people believed they are master

and can alter

the world order

but find themselves in disorder


life ...

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