seasons (Remove filter)
The Side Kick
The Side Kick
A purring cat
Sat before a raging fire
The smell of cinnamon buns
Outside the snow falls
Rubbing away ice on a window
Looking out into the whiteness
A smile caught
In the reflected dusk
New buds bursting
From green shoots
The blue sky
Flecked with white clouds
Raindrops dripping from trees
The fresh cool air
Mirrors in the pond
...Thursday 16th April 2020 2:08 pm
Why Do They Call You Summer?
Why Do They Call You Summer?
Why do they call you summer
When your name is April?
Your fragrant scent of early roses
Permeates the room
And sunlight cuts across
The blue Axminster carpet
Bleaching the swirling dust
And warms tables to the touch.
I long for your cool hands
Across my fevered brow
But all you give me
Is clammy, blanketing heat.
I ...
Friday 26th April 2019 12:00 am
Cycle Of The Scarecrow (audio version)
Cycle Of The Scarecrow
before she came
I stood here
for what seemed like eons
with a blood red sun
setting behind me
my head full
of nothing more
than sawdust
straw and dreams
a hole in my chest
where beetles scuttled
happy come rain or shine
my only fear
that crows might see
through me
be brave and bold
and strut towards me
then peck out
my button eyes
now as the shadows g...
Saturday 22nd March 2014 11:52 am
The Collector (Roget's Soliloquy)
The Collector (Roget’s Soliloquy)
In my book……..
Words – so simple in their sound
they fall like snowflakes on a lake
and interlock their unique form
until the water gives way to their power,
becoming something bigger,
something cold and hard and beautiful.
Or a flame, just a spark at first
until the kindling catches and the embers
jump from t...
Friday 1st February 2013 11:10 pm
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