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Birthdays (Remove filter)

Birthday Blues

We close our eyes gently and slowly

Wait for the narcotic niceties to be over

“Isn't it nice to just relax?” you say

“Hmmmm” I agree, letting my thoughts become dreamy


My birthday is over and it's time to release the stress

It has taken so long

Doubling up the pretence puts pressure on the present


Downstairs you carry out the Birthday autopsy


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Happy Fucking Birthday


Most Birthdays leave me vulnerable to the precepts of Birthday etiquette

It catches me,

Forcing me to celebrate things I run from, the older I get

Maturity, responsibility, human company

Loving me is difficult,

Especially when you're 30


My Birthday bunting says,

'Happy Fucking Birthday'

You made it for me,

An insult and a sparkly salutation,...

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